Friday, April 30, 2004
PartEae!! It's over! Okay now I will continue raving about him lolz. No larh =___= I'm not that despo. Anyways I still don't get Lost in Translation.. Blahez. Yay.. tomorrow I'll get to talk to Fiona =D We meet everyday at 2pm or so.. S'pore time. So if anyone wants to talk to me just log in around that time. haha! ( oh yeah over there it would be sunday, 2pm)
Arh two whole days without seeing that *ahem*.. AHh. dai jo ku. <--that how you spell it?! =P Okay 'bout my exams.. It was surprisingly easy. It wasn't like an official exam. It was like a test larh.. I finished the math one in like 20minutes... And it was a 50 min papaer..I checked after that.. After I checked twice I realised I was only 20 minutes into the test. I really didn't know how long I took. But 20min with checking is kinda... FAst? Anyways it was kinda easy. And I was wondering why no one was handing in.. So I kept checking and checking and checking... Until 50minutes was over. I'd better get that A.. You hear that you )*&%@!!! Instructor?! No larh.. My instructor's fine. His voice is very..soothing. Lullaby man. =X You can probably guess what I do in math class muaha. Okayz any ways at the end of the 50min no one was collecting... So forget it. I just got up and handed it in. I already checked it SO MANY TIMEs. Hey I even memorized the answers... 1a)2ax+b 1b)proving ques 2a)0 2b)-1/(2x2) + 1 =X cannot post all the answers haha.
okay anyways my mom and bro went out to this church gathering and bbq. I was just so exhausted. I mean. I have to meet strangers. I have to think of how to make them like me.. I just wanna get back all the hours of sleep I've been missing =P Been sleeping at 1am everyday, racking my brains on how to write an essay and figuring out all the new stuff I've learnt.. and 'cause of the tests.. STUDYING. Man. you hardly catch me studying =P but I need my A's. I don't think I can make it in english.. But I'll try. BUt I need it for math. Absolutely.
Thinking 'bout the gathering thingy.. I hope they organise a new one soon. When I'm not tired I actually wanna go. VOLLEYBALL!!!BASKETBALL!! WHo WOULD MISS THAT?! and TENNIS!!! T___T stupid test. Depriving me of my sleep... depriving me of the life so nice.. I've decided to take up aikido. Learn the way of the bukken. muaha. I can choose between a staff and the bukken. Which one you think I'll choose =P. Obvious right ^__^. Anyways I just learnt that there's 8million practioners of kenjutsu in the world. 7million of them are in Japan. O_o warh right :P. And well I've checked it out.. it's popular in southern California and SEATTLE!! YEESH!!!! muahaha. And there's so many competitions in this area. The state competition.. the all-western competition.. the all USA kendo championship ( I think) WARH!! heehehe if I go into kendo.. Ya think I might be up for that? =P Nah.. stick with aikido for now. The dojo's within walking distance. The kendo dojo is like 20min away by car I think. Not sure. But there's quite a few.. har har har. I'll go check out the aikido place tomorrow. Ermz. Sorry this is quite a long blog. Anyways, here's the logo that I didn't modify.
I'm not sure whether the modified one is better. I made it "scattered" it's blur and split up. But it's pretty cool. *looks around* right?
Anyways. FIONA TALK TO YOU TOMORROW!!! Rachel me send email to ya. Later =X. Caryn I go flood your taggie!! WAHAHHAHA! taggie =Z I'll write you another letter. Ermz. Or email. I dunno your addie yet. I know how to get to your place. Maybe I can just tell the postman directions. keke. Anyways. To grafD *KAN PAI*!!!
|| Pinch me. ||
3:33 PM
Thursday, April 29, 2004
Doom day
Arrival of first exam. Math and computing. I'm not that scared of math.. But it's my first time taking a computing exam.. I'm scared I can't get an A. I desperately need an A. And for math.. Would A be possible? I hope I don't make any mistakes.. Careless ones esp. I spend the whole day doing math. I will not let that go to a waste. No way. Anyways.. Wish me luck.
In english I realized I don't understand a lot of things. I watched the movie and I was like "huh?" I mean... arh whatever. Too tired to think. Wanna hear 'bout the guy? ^__^ I think I no hope larh haha. Maybe he didn't even notice me.. But if I get to know him one day ( highly impossible) then I guess the most would just be friends. Too lazy for anything else. Heck care larh. One more person to ask for feelings? No way man. Cramps my style. I have parents for that. :P Anyways still highly infatuated. So whatever, I'm talking in perpetual crap again. Bye people. Needa study.
That sentence sounds kinda funny coming from my mouth eh? haha bo bian.
|| Pinch me. ||
9:57 PM
Monday, April 26, 2004
WOoTZ. ExAm tIME....
Yeah. Read my title. Well this week I have two exams.. One Csc and one math... well I'm planing to ace my math. There's no way I'll accept a B for math on my record. Hey anyways this weeks gonna be pretty fun I hope.. Because in Enlish class we're doing compare and contrast.. Our topic's Japanses and American culture.. Wish it was Chinese and American man.. Then I can slack hehe. But at least we get to watch a movie.. :P. Maybe can *wink nudge nudge* har har har *wicked thoughts* Anyone up for a few pranks? Har har har! Arh miss lydia again... Nevermind.
Okay ears up for what happened today? I don't see any ears lolz but i'll say it anyways. Well as usual I don't bloody dare to talk in Computing class.. Everyone look so intimidating lolz. And plus most of the time I'm asleep so I don't really bother to talk. (oops) I think the instructor doesn't like me 'cause I skipped one lesson without telling her. Oh well. Bygones be bygones. Anyways after that it was enlgish right.. So I gave in my "real final draft" 'cause I handed in the draft instead the other time by mistake. So well yeah she was like," bet you were surprised to still see it in your bag weren't you?" Well she's so nice :P. But I shall not be senile no more! Arh need to keep a good rep from now on.. Cannot keep skipping hmwk like from Mr Tan 'cause I still scored okay anyways lolz. Anyways then it was giving out papers time and she was like " who wants to give out the paperz?" And I was like " I'll do it!" I sounded kinda enthu. Wasn't planning on that but anyways since no one wanted to do it, might as well right? I can learn names anyways. Which is when I realised I know most of the people anyways haha! Yeah I mananged to know *ahem's* name lolz! He was right in front of me when I said " hey who's *ahem name shall not be mentioned to protect thy face*?" and the Sheryl was like "are you deaf? I just called him!" And he was like (-____-") lolz! He looked so farnie muahah. Anyway I forgot his name by now. Those that know me should be familiar with my short term memory haha.
My hair sux, as usual, looks nerdy and doesn't turn out the way I want it to. So solution--- haircut. Once the week ends. Okay that's it. In math I did what I usually do, play with chalk then sit down and leech knowledge from the teacher. I feel like a sponge all the time. Darn wish I could do something cool one day :P Yeah now this is finally it. Needa experiment on homework. Catch ya guys later. I mean to whoever who actually reads this.
|| Pinch me. ||
9:13 PM
Sunday, April 25, 2004
screw you :X
Arh okay.. this morning I was talking to Fiona and OMH.. Yeah.. Morning. As in 12-3am. lolz! And well while Fiona was yaking away 'bout the movie moonchild where her Gackt-sama and my hydekun starred in.. I was doing some mighty interesting quizzes. Don't ask me why I keep doing them. Some of them are just plain hilarious. And guess what's my dramatic death. It's embaressing to publish it out here but... death by heart attack during an orgy.. and pretty soon too! Okay I got it out muahaha! Fiona was laughing at me the entire time on msn lolz! And then she said she'll make a banner when I come back. It'll have one word on it :orgy =__=" Man do I dread the day I go back :P. Oh and me and OMH were competing who had the nicer emoticon haha! Obviously she had, that art freak :X
So well erm. I can say I have alot of fun talking to them every saturday ^__^ I just kinda miss talking to Lydia. Well on the other hand I think that she talking to me would be the next to last thing on her mind right now :P. I'm sure I've never told anyone before, but I'm kinda lost too sometimes. It's just that reading the Bible doesn't really get me anywhere, so sometimes I don't understand alot of things.. It's when I start comparing the verses to life then I truly understand. Or maybe I don't. Well anyways, ETHEL!! GO CHURCH TOGETHER YAH!!!We still haven't fulfilled that "date" of ours lolz! Alot of people are searching for some place they belong, and some people miss the time when they truly felt that they did. Well Sara, if you ever read this, I'm refering to you :P. Don't worry okayz? They (rach and lyd) will always be there for you. I would like to say that I'll always be there for you too, but I've been missing out on the lives of you guys so much that.. ah nevermind. The three of you take care okayz? Don't lose the friendship that you have. Haha, boy do I sound sad. Well, in a way sort of. But at least now I know I should let go sometimes. I'll look for my own life, I'm fine :D. Well I did say I wanna be a hero right? XD Heros work alone :P. Heros will always be in the shadows. Heros are cool. Heros are... misunderstood? Well maybe I'll change that someday. Hey lydia, you're one of the heros I know ^__^ Don't feel so lost okie? Lolz you guys have the power of three =P.
Well that's it for now.. The Simpsons is on ^__^ ja na! (or ja ne or whatever.) dada!
"whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it." st luke 17:33 There is no future without a fight.
|| Pinch me. ||
6:45 PM

You are Form 0, Phoenix: The Eternal.
"And The Phoenix's cycle had reached
zenith, so he consumed himself in fire. He
emerged from his own ashes, to be forever
Some examples of the Phoenix Form are Quetzalcoatl
(Aztec), Shiva (Indian), and Ra-Atum
The Phoenix is associated with the concept of life,
the number 0, and the element of fire.
His sign is the eclipsed sun.
As a member of Form 0, you are a determined
individual. You tend to keep your sense of
optomism, even through tough times and have a
positive outlook on most situations. You have
a way of looking at going through life as a
journey that you can constantly learn from.
Phoenixes are the best friends to have because
they cheer people up easily.
Which Mythological Form Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Your half- angel. Not exactly human, but not quite
angel, you walk on earth freely. Half-Angels
have no wings, but tend to show some signs.
Some ways to notice these are that the girl
never menstrates, she cannot bleed, and her
touch seems to give of a glow. No one really
knows how half-angels are born. Some say that
when a child is born, one of the angels blesses
her with her gifts. Others say that they are
cursed creatures, because half-angels cannot
die, while their familly and friends around
them do. Hlaf-Angels are very beautiful and
Kind, and have the power to speak to animals,
but at the same time, sad that they are this
way. Some Half-Angels love being human. Being
able to see, smell, hear, taste,and feel are
all miracles to them. They crave to be more
human-all the time.
What Kind of ANGEL are you? (For Girls only) This Quiz has amazingly Beautiful Pictures!
brought to you by Quizilla
arh cool. I dunno why I keep doing quizes lately. Hey wait the piccy looks so sad and lost.. hrm a bit like me.. Arh who cares. As long as I have cute guys to oggle at muahaha.
|| Pinch me. ||
12:25 AM
Saturday, April 24, 2004

You are a silver dragon. The rarest kind of dragon.
YOu are noble yet avoid humans as much as
possible. You are the guardian of the
defensless and you rule the skies.
Which Dragon resides in your soul? (cool pictures!)
brought to you by Quizilla
Arh if you can't see the pic, it's a pity.. Cause it's really nice.. haha
|| Pinch me. ||
11:45 PM

One Piece Matchmaker (For Females)
brought to you by Quizilla
Well this blog is all 'bout yesterday 'cause all I did today was sleep and eat and try to tone my tummy. Okay.. YesterdaY I skipped computer class. It was an accident! I really was planning to go, but before that I needed to type out my english homework right? So I went to the Loft where there's computers there and then started typing. By the time I got to the third page I checked my watch and it was like.. 10.45!! I was 45 minutes late for class and I only had 5 minutes left. So I thought " ah hell I'll just continue typing until english.." But I didn't manage to type it done. So I handed in the uncompleted one. Until I went home and realized that I submitted the wrong version of my draft T_T. Well anyways I emailed her the correct version.. But I don't know whether she's going to be angry with me... After all I still handed in on the same day... But I did it at 6pm because I had to type the whole thing out again.. Grr. what a day. But at least she released us early. But the problem was.. I didnt go for computing and then I had no english class?! What a wasted day. Then I had an hour free before math class.. So I went out of class feeling extra as I was.. Then I saw Kelly on the walkway. And hey, she had to wait for a class too! So Sheena came and joined us and then we talked in the open. Well after a while it got too bloody cold for us to continue talking outside so when went into the math and science lobby, but Kelly was talking on the phone, so she was like " oh man it's so quiet here.. I'm going outside." And then me and Sheena were talking about the high school system. I mean, we don't really care whether it's quiet or not.. It's not illegal to talk. It's a lobby for goodness sake. People pass through it. And then we were talking.. And then Kelly was outside talking on the phone with her boyfriend ( man, somethings I just don't understand. Why do you have to talk to your boyfriend? Can't you just play Xbox with em? )
And then Kelly was facing us across the glass and "are you calling me stupid?" and me and Sheena looked at her and nodded our head "yess..." lolz! And she was like "OMG can you hear me?" yup. We could alrite. So she moved back and "can you hear me now?" yesss...and yada she did it for a few times lol! But oh well in the end we just pretended not to hear her cause she was moving way back. ( and we could still hear her haha!) Nah in the end she stopped talking and continued talking 'bout the high school system. I won't go into that.
Anyways, we saw the two guys from our class walking. So Sheena said "hi" Kelly said "hi" I said " hi guys" and issit just me or did they look shocked? Oh well I dont usually say hi to them ( hehe they're the Jap guys *blush*) But hey, when they are so obviously in front of me and I can't pretend I can't see em I have to say hi right? (YES!!! *grin grin grin*) arh. I'm going siao. I saw one of them in the library today but I didn't have gut to go up to him and say hi... Next time I see him I will! haha! ( oh in the library I could preten I didn't know him.. but on the walkway a bit too obvious haha!) I'm wearing my class jersey now.. It's HUGE. I didn't notice until I wore it.. oh well one day when I run out of clothes I'll wear this to school. Haha show off my class spirit sia haha!
Okay that's it for now.
"in the end it's not the gold that counts, it's the adventure."
|| Pinch me. ||
8:48 PM
Friday, April 23, 2004

You're Element is Flame. You have a strong,
independant, fiery personality and you
obviously don't ley other's puch you around.
You like being in charge and don't care what
other people think. In fact, you like to stand
out and be yourself. You're probably shy when
people first meet you but your a ball of energy
that could explode at any given moment. You
like to laugh and whether you admit it or not,
you like to fight. You're peronality that is
wild and untamable. You're beauty is physically
fit and a little sexy and you have a very
pretty face.
What's Your Element(girls)? (PICTURES)
brought to you by Quizilla
|| Pinch me. ||
6:09 PM

-Not- You're...not girlfriend material. Not because
you'd be a bad girlfriend, but because you're
not in the mindset to be one. You're childish
and silly. Also, you might not necessarily be
attracted to guys. ~shrugs~ whatever.
What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Hey.. All I did was choose all the answers that looked the farniest.. and I got this :P But nevermind I retook the test and got 3 times perfect and one time bad girlfriend. So.. on average I'm okay lorh haha! MAn. I'll conitnue after I finish my homework.
|| Pinch me. ||
5:37 PM
Wednesday, April 21, 2004
What Irrational Number Are You? |
You are e Of all the irrational numbers, you are the most intense. By nature you are powerful, although sometimes you can spiral out of control. You are good with money; the interest seems to just compound whenever you are near. When someone uses the word "exponential" they are probably talking about you. In some ways you and φ are a nearly perfect match. Not to mention how attractive φ is. But then, there is the remarkable π... Your lucky number is approximately 2.71828183 |
|| Pinch me. ||
8:46 PM
hey man.. I wanna be your friend
Darn I so wanna say that to someone lol! ->no guts lol!<- Rachel. Dun gag. Lydia. Stop it!! Caryn. You dun liddat larh!! I NOE T_T. FIONA!!STOP LAUGHING!!! okie larh. Very weird of me right? To have no guts to say hi. Not like he'll eat me up right? Right? Anyways. I found out how my name is pronounced in jap. It. sounds. disgusting. I'll stick to the original version. Sen Shi Shou. GROSS RIGHT?! eeew. Call me qi. Sounds alot better. oh well. I still didn't get to talk to that guy. Well at least I talked to the old guy. The old guy who's a vegetarian and wants to be a nurse. He takes bio :P and his wife wanted to come to school with him to make sure he was okay. lol! So funny. Well I did an essay last night. I started at 8 but I only finished at 3 am... So I only got like 4 hours of sleep. And my mom, as usual, angry again. Slapped me first thing in the morning. She was scolding something in Indonesian and I said, "whatever.. I don't understand anyway." And she said "what did you say?!" "I said I don't understand what you said.." "how dare you talk back again!!(says something bad in indonesian) bla bla.." and then she slaps me. And tilll now hasn't talked to me yet. Man... wish she could go stay in a hotel when she's pmsing. Then I can actually get things done.
wearing my happy shirt today! The 37 degrees shirt I brought with rachel :P and caryn and lydia. Or maybe it was only one of them? No.. I think it was everyone that day. Anyway the picture's burnt but it's still smiling. So it's a happy shirt. But I STILL HAVEN't TOK TO THAT GUY!! TT___TTTT pissed off haha! "Anosan! talk to me lehz!" Oh well. I can't speak singlish to him. Whatever. Argh. Tomorrow I try to talk to them *blush* wo hui de!!
I went into math class and I was like" ARGH!! I DIDN'T TALK TO ANYONE TODAY!!!I DON'T HAVE ANY FRIEDNS!! T_T" Then Ying was like, " relax, you have friends in math class." But I don't have any fwens in com science or english.. Okay larh english got one. OKay a few. But most of them are not on the same brain sync as me. Only got one... Haiz~~ Pathetic life I have. arhh what to do? Do homework lor.
"Just keep smiling"
|| Pinch me. ||
2:48 PM
Monday, April 19, 2004
lala. Learnt Javascript today.. And yeah I still haven't summed up the courage to talk to anyone. Blaez. Everyone's in cliques and all. I just feel outta place. What's worse is that I come home to a screaming frenzy. No, I'm not the one screaming. I've gotten over that already.
I don't scream. It's a waste of lung power when you scream at a stonehead. Yeah.. I'm starting to dread coming home. Okay lemme tell you something way interesting. My mom almost threw me out of the house. Wanna hear the dialogue? Background: I slept at one last night. Yeah, like so? And then she chased me out of the room. Threw all my blankets and my pillow out. ( I've got 3 blankies-- one of them's spongebob squarepants :P) And then said,"you want your independence right? Then get out of here!!" Oh well. I was tired. I don't give a damn. Just lemme sleep. So I said," I never said that." It's like she expects me to rebel. Okay, whatever. In my house, I'm labeled as the "hot-headed" one. Heck, I've changed. Can't she see that? Why is she so blinded by what I did before? It's not like I'm still taking drugs. (oops. I was NEVER taking drugs. She just behaves like I did.) And then I slept on the couch.
Next morning she was so pissed. She expected me to be angry again. I don't give a damn. So I woke up and I saw her ( I was sleeping on the couch in the living room) and I smiled huge "Good morning mom!" And she just glared at me like -how can you be so cheerful?- Okay so she ignored me the whole morning. Fine. I'm bloody used to it.
After school. (note: this is not the whole thing. I can't be bothered to write EVERYTHING down)
Mom: Okay you can take your stuff into the room. But if you sleep that late again..
Me: Mom, it's okay. You're gonna chase me out sooner or later anyway, so I'll stick to the couch (FYI I go chased out of my own room millions of times in singapore ever since she decided to conquer it).
Mom: You don't want to live here issit? then get OUT!
Me: I never said that I didn't wanna live here. I just said that I'll get used to sleeping on the couch. Why are you so angry? It's not like you didn't sleep late when you were in college.
Mom: If it's late because of homework then it's okay!! BUT YOU WERE CHATTING!
Me: Mom.. did you even look at me? I was..
Mom: Everytime you play play play on the com(blah blah blah screaming)
Me: Mom listen. I was DONG my homework. I was emailing my teacher. And then I read an email and decided to reply it.
Mom: Then why did you sleep so late? Is it normal to sleep at 3am?!
Me: I slept at 1. Before you threw me out at 1.30.
Me: I slept at one. You kicked me out. Besides, it was only for one night.
Me: okay, i will.
Me: I didn't say that. You're right. I should get up early. I understand.
Me:(????? I just said she was right...) I said you were right.
Me: ( I was damn bloody pissed off already. had enough.) I DIDN'T SAY THAT!!
Golly. After that I asked my brother. Did I rebel? "no." Did I scream at her? "no." Did I disagree with her? "no." Was my tone implying something wrong? "no. Actually you sounded like you were not even arguing" THEN WHAT'S HER PROBLEM?! "She just expected you to talk back." And then she wants to confiscate the laptop. Ooo. So she wants me out of the house, and then she doesn't wanna send me to school, and now she wants to stop me from doing my homework. Whatever. And plus I don't have any money. I'll start working next quarter. A few days ago when I harboured the thought of living in a hostel, I wasn't thinking of independence. I just don't want to continue being misunderstood. I was the black sheep of the family. From the looks of it, I always will be.
"'why do you treat them so nicely? They're just little beings.'
'It's because they will die.'" I forgive. Why can't you forgive me?
On the lighter side, I'm eating a snickers bar!! Hee hee Mom was so nice to buy one for me ^__^ Ah I know she loves me lol! (oh like in the song i just wrote. At least I think she does. Or would like to think so. Nah she loves me. Maybe it's just mood swings. But what was her constant fascination to throw me out of the house? -____- dunno larh. whatever. As long as we keep living, good things will always come our way<-- Bellemere-san I'll just work to ensure my survival in case one day she really DOES kick me out of the house.) Oh I ate half of my snickers bar liaoz. I save half for tomorrow bah. haha! Everyday during math my tummy grumble like siao. So must fill up first haha! With snickers! Yum yum! Ahh got so much homework to do ~__~ I'll try to do next week's by this week so my mom won't scream again. ( not that she'll know anyway, the sooner I finish the more time I have to watch One Piece! But everytime i watch she scolds me ~__~ so regardless she'll still scold me. Blaez.)I have great news! We were told to write an outline of our essay and since I didn't think about it properly, I anyhow passup haha! And then mine was chosen as an example of the MOST VAGUE thesis statement lol! Kudos to non-serious work! Which means I'd better be gettin' serious or I wont get that A. Which needs 96% or higher. CAn someone tell me how the hell am I going to get an A for that?! And a few guys were staring at me today. Why arh? Maybe I chio :P har har har like real. But my bro said I dressed nicely today. o__O interesting. I thot I was looking bo chap again; after all I was feeling bo chap anyways. Anosan! Think that certain guy'll notice me? :P No larh I dont think he did. haha! He's prettier than me anyways. Wanna see can look at himself lol! Arh anyways, better be starting on homework.
"they'll all die one day"<-- from Armand. Anne Rice ( that's how you spell it right?)
|| Pinch me. ||
8:48 PM
Well it's a song. I think. I got pissed so I wrote it. Whatever. I guess the first stansa would be the chorus. It sums up all I wanna say.
I can't hear
So tell me you need me
don't chuck me away
I am a human
and I'll die someday
Don't speak with your tears
when I am gone
Speak with your voice so I can hear
Tell me what's in there
that thing you call a heart
Hate me
Hate me for defying
Not that I can help it so I don't care
I agree with you
that I'm not perfect
You don't have to point that out
Tell me what's in there
is all you say a pack of lies
I've seen on your face
the facial expressions
do hate me for what I am?
I know that you love me
Or I wish to believe
Hurt that you scald me
when I try to heal myself
stop pushing me down
never letting me fly
All I'm trying to do is have you forgive me
But all you care is on reminding me of the mistakes that I've made
More and more punishments for the past I cannot ammend
Will you forgive me?Please?
|| Pinch me. ||
4:37 PM
Sunday, April 18, 2004
|| Pinch me. ||
2:06 AM
Saturday, April 17, 2004
Inspired by someone else's blog
Oh I was gonna type a song. Then Fiona came online and I forgot what to say. So after I talking then I'll continue with this muahah.
|| Pinch me. ||
10:11 PM
Thursday, April 15, 2004
What a sian life I'm in. I can't stand it. I'm so friggin lonely. Where'd all my frineds go? Oh I forgot. I haven't MADE friends. Well now I'm trying to hang out with this group of Indonesians who studied in Singapore. I think they're better than the ones from Indo itself.. I think those that were in Singapore are much less snobby (whatever you spell that as). But well. They're all older than me. And yay! I know I at least can be siao with them right? haha! Yeah. Well that's my strength. Being siao. Although most of the time I really do try to act sane. But I feel so constipated when I do. Oh well. Well anyway I went to the International club meeting(OKay, It was the INdoneSian club). Well not meeting. Just a gathering, and well since I can't speak indonesian very well, I sorta felt some distance from them. Because I actually need to concentrate to understand. Well I wasn't concentrating all the time and sometimes I snap back into reality and everyone's laughing and I don't know why. So I'm like. "huh?" And they just assume that I don't understand.. Gosh make me feel so extra. Yes, I can't understand hard words, but at least I understand right? Heck, I'm not even Indonesian, WHO CARES? Anyway, the people in my math class are still pretty nice, and they look so fun ^^ I wanna hang out with them. Hey wait, didn't I already say that? hrmmm.
I also wanna know the people in my English class, and their Japanese. But the thing is, it's like they keep speaking Japanese, which I can only catch bits and pieces of.. and sometimes I think that they're not even speaking Japanese haha! Like some kind of dialect. Is there such thing? Or maybe I just don't know enough Jap to understand. Well anyway they don't sound like the anime lehz. Hmm. Must ask Rachel. But anyways they look fun too! haha! So I hope maybe one day I'll get to know them.
Everyday when I get home all I do is check my mail, draw some stuff.. which fiona said "you good! still got time to draw that" lolz! :D and then I never manage to finish my homework. In the morning I go to school and finish it all up in the library. Man, the studying environment there is just perfect. You can hide in a little corner where noone will find you, and then you have a desk all to yourself *smilez* Well it's a big deal to me 'cause I always have to share my table with someone else's stuff. And frankly, it pisses me off sometimes. That's why I can't wait to get my own room. A WHOLE ROOM!! ALL MINE!!! :) I haven't had my own room for a VERY long time. Used to share with my brother until my mom seperated us, and then his bed became my bed and I inherited a room. Then I had my freedom for a short time until my mom decided to move in ~_~. Nothing to say. She remains in there. Frankly, it's more of her room haha! Where's mine? T_T Actually, I wanna have a college life away from my parents. Well I think I can't have that. My mom will always be with me. Too bad. (Man! that means I can't go clubbing! T_T)
Well Okay, I think I'm done writing for today, ciao!
|| Pinch me. ||
10:24 PM
In School now
Finished my Lab work so I'm testing this out in school.
Pretty cool?
Think I'll go home and type the rest.
|| Pinch me. ||
10:41 AM
Monday, April 12, 2004
Hrm. let's see. I haven't updated my blog in 10 days. And I completely forgot about it until dear Rachel sorta reminded me lol! Okay. Here goes.
Admist all the chaos,
a hero still stands to save the world!
Armed with some paper and her trusty computer,she defeats enemies
with a blow from her laser red optical mouse,
with a final stroke from
her just as amazing sidekick -- the pencil!
Villains down:
Math homework
English homework
CSC 110 homework
The world is safe! For now..
hehe. That's what I wrote for my first assignment in web programming. It was supposed to be about why I took the class and to share a lil about myself. I think that that was good enough ^_^. We're gonna learn how to put in pictures soon, we're currently on making tables. So soon I can put up my own blog skin!! ( Yeah then I can truely be me :D)
Okay here's somemore
My ultimate goal is to "save the world!!" and yet I have no idea on how to become the ultimate superhero. Maybe I could be a software engineer who frees the online world of all evil. Or maybe a space engineer who battles the balding, drooling aliens who might have some unpleasant ideas on what to do with our planet. Or come up with some kind of preprogrammed robotic germ that can prevent any biochemical attacks perhaps dropped by Dr. Frankenstein himself. Any way, before I can do that I need to know some programming. And get a degree. So I can't possibly sit here dreaming silly dreams all day. But I hope my dreams will prove useful one day; I've even made a list of "hero tools"! But apparently someone already invented a fire wall so that's off my list already.
And one day I might finally get to say, "Nina to the rescue!!"
Is it cool? haha! Okay for everyone dying to know, no I don't know any cute guys yet :D Oh but I can see them alright. Just a bit paiseh to talk to then whahahah!( oh yah, since when right?haha! )
And we did an interview in class next week. No, not Christina Aguilera, No.. NOT Gakct. Hyde.. I wish lol. We did an interview on our very own classmates haha! (Oh I was hoping to interview this Jap guy who happened to look pretty interesting but in the end I got this Taiwanese guy, who, frankly, kinda irks me. And then I wrote only like 5 sentences on him muahhaha! ( I mean, was there anything to write? I wasn't even listening to him most of the time :P) Okay then the next day was sharing and he was picked and he read out this amazingly LOONNGGG essay on me! ( Eew.) And for goodness sake he said I was 17~!!!! WAH LAO!! But at least he said I was "confident, interesting and blah (dont remember)" so cool. And he mentioned all the sports I play, which was so many ( and most of them I suck at anyway) Warh!! So EMBARESSING!!! T_T Well that's it for today.
Wait a sec, for your info, there really was a reason I put "Nina to the rescue". Of course most people think I'm just clowning again, but there's alot of inspiration behind it :).
|| Pinch me. ||
9:28 PM
Friday, April 02, 2004
Road trip
7 days
out, away
in the car, drive all day
sometimes stop
go out and play
Walk til legs hurt
or til mom complains
back in the car
thy brother farts
Surround sound and papers fly
"Break a wind!"
and windows down
Spalt on the windscreen
bug's body fluid loss
bye bye bug
when nature and vehicle cross
LAzy to think
Lazy to type
that's why a poem
less words
less brain juice
for me at least
Good night!
|| Pinch me. ||
10:53 PM