Tuesday, March 29, 2005
oopee filler
I'm back ya'll! I took 7min. O.o BESIDES THE POINT.
"Reserved for Indonesian Family Easter picnic" Cringe.
Quote Bryan "Parents talk forever."
I'm getting old.
So old...
I hate being old.
I wanna go to high school.
And be slutty and have sex.
. . . . .NOOOOO WAY. Delete. Delete!!!
On the other hand, I'm not attractive enough so I don't have to think bout that. One of the perks :D of being .. not so good looking. (I can't bear to call this cute face ugly T.T) *dodges eggs and rotten tomatoes*
toMAHtoe toMAYtoe I Don't KNOW..
Some cousins better not read this. *thinks* then again I dont think that they know I exist. How can someone so young look soo.. good? It ain't fair. With such growth spurts like that .. they'll be looking 20 by the time they're 17. *counts* 2 more years. I wish I was born later so I can.. drool over them without guilt. they're just kids...
They look big. I s.w.e.a........ dude, she can't do it.
I had a strange dream last night. I was actually in HOGWARTS in love with this amazingly SHUAI guy. I am never in love in my dreams. WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME??!!! Has boy craziness reached its peak??!! NOT YET??! Gosh. Because of that stupid dream I decided to sleep again after waking up NATURALLY in the middle of a nice dream. Even though I was awake the dream still continued! I could hear their voices! But it was a really. nice. dream. LOLz. It was clean btw. oh? yes. He had orange hair. I KNEW IT! TOO MUCH BLEACH FOR YOU! O_o it was blonde! It was orange! It was strawberry blonde! whatever.
That should be enough to entertain whoever. hahaz thank you 4 ur p8she-ance. Bleahz.
Have you ever heard the saying that half of whatever you say is true? Well, the other half's false.
|| Pinch me. ||
9:07 PM
Where do all these nice nice ppl get those nice nice bleach pics??
Thou shall NOT rip a blogskin off someone.
Argh but maybe thy(I?/you?) will.
It's so much easier.
Does anyone know how to make a nice screen shot? I can't! I hit the "prt scr" and paste it in paint and I can WATCH bleach in paint. Get it? It friggin copies the whole "view" of the media player and I can't get a screen shot.
I am totally stumped now. Shall I resort to drawing (and not to mention insulting) Urahara by hand? *thinks* Actually I still like Ichigo. I mean look, he has a nice bod, is a nice protector of sorts, is mature, ... But Urahara is hot T.T *slaps self on face* I'm like the female version of Kon. How disturbing. I have plunged myself into the world of Bleach. (Rukia rox!)
Well, I'll make another post of my REAL life next. It's called paragraphing, blog way, so it won't seem like alot in one post. bloody schemer, yes I know ;)
|| Pinch me. ||
9:03 PM
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
I love orange haired guys
and short cool chicks.
One anime and one real life. But I'LL NEVER SEE HIM AGAIN!! *pout* Argh well. Just have to move on and swoon over someone else. Gosh he's so cute!! I dont know why, but seeing him always makes me feel a bit better... :) this is totally swooning isn't it =.=
I wish bit torrent would go faster. I can't wait for the next 20 eps of bleach T.T haiyaku haiyaku! Been waiting like till after finals, .. but I watched all 10 eps at one shot.. T.T oh well. ICE SKATING HERE I COME!!
|| Pinch me. ||
1:48 AM
Sunday, March 20, 2005
Rachel, if you read this
You suck. I don't know anything on your quiz. =.= And the phrase on your pencil case. WHAt the.... NOthing to say.
I'm stressed, I'm mad, and I'm BLOODY STRESSED!! Oh weaseley! Put some dungbombs into my teacher's office will ya? T.T I HATE EXAMS!!
|| Pinch me. ||
11:45 PM

Your Hidden Power Is Wind
You have a twisted soul. You change your
directions and mind easily. Your beauty is you
over powering feature. But many enemies are
surprised by your beauty and your great power
to control wind
Gem Stone: Amethist, Eye
Color:Grey Blue,Hair Color:Grey that
goes to your shoulder Blades
Quote:And if the cloud bursts, thunder
in your ear
You shout and no one seems to hear.
And if the band you're in starts playing different
I'll see you on the dark side of the moon.
What Is Your True Hidden Power? .::Beautiful Anime Pics::.
brought to you by Quizilla
|| Pinch me. ||
4:54 PM
Thursday, March 17, 2005
|| Pinch me. ||
10:54 PM
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Kyrs-- the girl who sliced her own wings

She didn't like, slice her own wings, she stopped because the pain was too much to bear.
Nothing to do with me. I was just drawing 'coz I was bored. She sliced her own wings because this weakling of a drawer doesn't KNOW how to draw nice wings that DON'T look deformed!! *sucks in breath* AHHH!
Frankly, have you ever wondered if blogs reveal everything? *ponders* Then again it's not like I pour my heart and soul into this. Blogs only reveal some parts of a person.
Ookay. Now on to my 10 min nap.
|| Pinch me. ||
6:13 PM
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
nice to know you
Holy. Holeee. Hooolllleee shat.
I cannot estimate ages. I absolutely cannot. Don't ask me who old I think you are. Because someone might get hurt. ME.
Hoho. There's auditions for stage one drama. Seems like they're coming up with a new play. Should I go audition? After all, I can't act half as good as Caryn. =/ Should I? Make the mark of this stunning inner actress and then have dozens perhaps more fans screaming my name. HAhaha then have porn pics all over the place(those made up ones of course, I'm no Lindsay Lohan, my dear. For one, I don't have the boobs.) =.= One night in paris, anyone? HElll no.
Just checked Tom Felton's webbie. Wanted to see how my old mate was getting along, you see. BEFORE you smack me on the head, I must say, what an amazingly fan friendly guy. Well at least the gals who like him are pretty haha. Besides he's starting to look more and more like my classmate --- . *thinks* well actually nah. Are you getting uglier ma' old mate? Muahaha no offence. But gosh. I would be happy if some handsome dude sent ME a pillow with his face printed on it. I'll be smiling myself to sleep, no doubt. And I might fail all of my exams too. *shudders*
Okay. Excuse the diva, she needs to study.
|| Pinch me. ||
11:37 PM
Monday, March 14, 2005

You like the prince charming type.
What kind of guy are you most attracted to? (CUTE anime pics)
brought to you by Quizilla
Yes! I do! *gets whacked on the head* Oro.
I have half my mind telling NOT to start writing a Harry Potter fan fic. I have the other half constantly comparing who is hotter, Draco Malfoy or Oliver Wood. *sigh* all that crappy fan fic brainwashing! No! I'm not turning into Lydia!! Wait. I don't think she even reads Harry Potter. Hrm.
Seems to me that many gals like Draco Malfoy, hoping that he'll be good. Well.. Me, on the other hand, I like him when he's a bitch. What could be more attractive? A bitch or a lil' whiny goody? Anyway this bitch hangs out with Crabbe and Goyle, who are bimboes themselves. Wait something is very wrong. I'm speaking of them, as though they are girls. Plus, Crabbe and Goyle definitely do not qualify in bimbotic-ness because, well, they don't look good. Mwahaa.
Anyway if I start a fan fic, which house should I be in? Slytherin, where I can make out with Draco all day *get smacked on the face* or in Gryffindor drooling over Oliver *imagines tight abs* Ooo! Brain cramp! "Quidditch has done you good, ma' boy," *giggles*
Well in any case, I still have my finals next week *sigh*. Now the only thing I'll be dreaming about is feraday's law. Whatever that is. I see Hermione rolling her eyes. *something is terribly wrong with me* wink.
|| Pinch me. ||
8:08 PM
Saturday, March 12, 2005
GAWD i was so bored that I was doing quizzes all day. And all of them were on Draco Malfoy haha.
I missed North Star Passport. Supposed to be there as a volunteer waitress. But I decided not to. Why waste my time?? HAHAHA
Oh well that's it. Lemme try calling Lydia MUahaha.
Or maybe not.. aiyah dunno hehe.
(yes it's a lame post. I'm sucha bloody nerd I dont have a life to blog about. Actually, when I dont have school, I don't have anyone to hang out with. Behold life that's so pathetic. Not that I'm complaining. It's in my quest to find new people. It's a process. Will it be over soon?)
|| Pinch me. ||
10:42 PM
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
came across this blog with nice photgraphy ^^ I like the popups. Nice layout. I wonder how you make those lil triangle buttons... may it's a pic with an onclick function call? hrmmm
|| Pinch me. ||
11:46 PM
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
I'm not angry. Honest.
There's farking so many farking things to do. Notice I don't use the f*ck word because it is seriously MISUSED. I mean when you're angry you go "fuck off!" Like just tell me folks, who the hell fucks himself off when he's mad??? And there you go again "shut the fuck up" when seriously that lil insulting phrase doesn't make any sense. Oh, it's supposed to be insulting?
If I say bunch of gibberish will you, in any way that you currently do now, feel insulted? Oh boy, I could do that all day!
I could repeat my name all day, and yes, it's a bad word. ninaninaninanina ARGH KNN!!
Oh I forgot to warn you. Clean peeps shall not read the above. Hell wait, you’ve already did! I shall take the honors of laughing at you for falling into my mischievously dirty lil book of horrible vocab. 'Twas was the day of foul language.
Ooo blessed be.
I'm bloody stressed. *sweat drop* Lord knows how I'll survive till hols.
I'm disturbed by the exhibit in the Baxter center. How could such insanity exist? It's insane. Every 15 sec a woman is beaten(Gong). Every minute a woman is raped(whistle). 4 times a day a woman dies from abuse(Bell).
Help stop the insanity.
Donate to the nina fund.
I ran before I could read the real charity. The gong gave me goosebumps. The whistle made me break down and cry. Sounded like a hellish scream.
It scared big ol matt every SINGLE time.(haha) The bell sounded like a cow's bell. Hola anticlimatic. A clothes line of bloody clothes.
Some sins can't be washed away.
|| Pinch me. ||
11:55 PM
Monday, March 07, 2005
Around the corner he came
and she knew without looking back.
He was the one.
The one of foul breath, closing in on his prey.
"Get lost you stinky!"
She screamed and wretched her hair out to get out of his way
and yet the petrifying odour left her rooted to the spot.
He zoomed in
"hey can we compare answers?"
The blast of his shit smelling breath blew her away.
Suddenly she was condemned to life on fear factor enlivening the experience of beef balls and worm shit.
Frantically she searched for a way out. She was cornered! There was nowhere to go! She was a fish left out in the open!
She flung her answers out in a desperate attempt to shoo him away.
He refused to go!
She struggled through her horrific experience.
A whole 20 minutes.
an ENTIRE 20 mins.
Someone remind me to hide in a cubicle in the library next time.
I'd rather much curl up and sleep in my private 2 feet of space.
|| Pinch me. ||
10:29 PM
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
To gain something you must always give up that of equal value.
That is the law of equivalent exchange.
Me. Trapped in my world of self delusion.
That is who I am.
For one day if sunlight shall ever so force my eyes to open
Shall I stare
and stare at the heartbreaks and curses
and hisses of heat and scorn
or shall I bask in the wonders of that revealed
of true light?
I've always thought that everything will be ok.
Everything is always ok. Until one day (today ) someone close told me.. "one day, you'll be facing that too."
Where everyday is a battlefield of words, pride and ideas.
And one day nina, you might just lose.
I think I may be suffering now,
but the world just gets harder.
And it's all coz of...
A stupid boil on my ass.
What I knew of as pain was deeply challenged when I met my detested disciplinarian -=- CHINESE MEDICINE.
A foul smelling thing of brown powder and alchohol, slapped onto my lil pompom and covered with a spongebob squarepants bandaid. AHh. Then that's when you're filled with intense pain and itch and it just gets harder and harder to relax, let alone sit down. That's my daily routine. Shower, and jump around like a mad idiot with my eyes squeezed shut while hearing some weird howling noise that sounds strangley like me.
Welcome to my life.
well. my life with a swollen butt.
|| Pinch me. ||
8:01 PM