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Saturday, April 30, 2005

    best place on nscc -- the wellness center basketball court

    That's where we held our sports event! Was a huge success.

    the winners - 1st, 3rd, 2nd and two extra referees

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    peeps behind the scene with a reporter and referee, and 3 extras

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|| Pinch me. || 2:32 PM

    we interrupt this program to bring you..

    What is it with society that implements an unseen rule upon all of us women? What is it with society that deems us beings only to attract the opposite sex through physical beauty? What is it with society that plans every single minute or second of every single day to make us miserable beings trying to strive for perfect and absolutely impossible physical beauty? What is it that makes people embaressed about their body hair, or how upfront they are, or how their boobs look? What in the world is wrong with single eyelids? What's wrong with a few stretch marks on my ass because my skin is incapable of keeping up with my hectic butt life?

    What is wrong with all these physical imperfections? Should we spent hours a day trying to rid of every single hair on our bodies because it is plain "iunsightly" or should we spend the time instead, to build up our character, our presence, so much so that people will begin to look beyond our looks and into our hearts?

    What is it with this definition of feminism, to be sweet and nice and timid, yet strong and happy? What is it with society that deems leadership in a girl wrong?

    I'm sick of listening to society. I wasn't made to follow all their rules. So don't touch my face and scream that it's embaressing that my facial hair sticks out. Don't grab my arm and ask me how I live with that. Don't medicate the sore on my ass if you're gonna scream at the sexy streaks. Don't poke my eye and tell me to get double eyelids. Don't brush my hair away then spend 10 whole minutes scrutinizing my face and asking me if I take care of my skin because I have 5 pimples. And don't call me ugly just because I'm imperfect.


|| Pinch me. || 12:53 PM

Thursday, April 28, 2005


    Hallo everyone!! Hahahaha. Me very tired now so you all have to tahan my slow typing. *thinks* wait... you all cannot see my slow typing. Hahaha. Oh my gosh.

    Tomorrow is the test that I dread the most. Physics. So I have to study study study .... But I'd rather sleep sleep sleep. -___-

    Yawn. The end.


|| Pinch me. || 3:16 PM

Monday, April 25, 2005

    one down

    Two more exams this weeK! Got back my english summary paper.. not bad but.. I only got 94%.. that's like.. 3.9

    Oh well. One cannot be perfect.

    Hermz. Let's see. What is there to update you guys on?
    This week is really hectic. It's so hard to believe that I'm already halfway into the quarter. A few more weeks and I'll never see some of my good friends again. It's hard to believe that it's already a year.. and I'm graduating..

    Well, that is if I get into the U. If not then I'll have to continue going to .. Well, where ever. I don't have a backup plan. Gosh, ya'll should never, definitely never, learn from me. It's better to be safe and secure in a uni for 4 years. At least you'll be able to hang with your friends longer. haha.

    Well on a slightly less depressing note, our sports event seems to be doing fine. Two more days to the first competition.. I hope it goes well. I've never taken such an active stance in organising something so big. But it feels great. It feels great to be part of something.. again.

    Peeps say I've been starting to get feminine. It's all an illusion. I wear a hairband now not because I wanna look sweet, but because it's the fastest way to get my hair into place in the morning. It takes 2 seconds. One to push my hair back, two to put it on. Then I shake my head and WAHYIA! Lion King!

    M is so skinny. Seriously. He's like.. a stick. I tapped his shoulder and it felt like Gina's. Have you tapped her shoulder before? It hurts. Haha.

    I hate going on the bus. 'Coz it's a bumpy ride. When the bus stops, my thunder thighs continue to go about its simple harmonic motion. Gosh. Talk about flab. It's bothering. I hate it. I have no qualms about being fat. I just hate all the extra flab. The wobbling. It's incomfortable. It's like you have all this extra inertia. Now that I've temporarily stopped karate, I'm not exposed to that intense torture that helps harden parts you never thought existed, and thus muscles lose its purpose and hang around doing nothing. That's it. After exam week I'm gonna start jogging.

    Well that's it for the update. Loads of work awating. Jaa.

|| Pinch me. || 10:33 PM

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

    today was one of the filled up days of my life. Life seems to be going much better now haha. I can safely say that I'm no longer as lonely as I was last time.

    Had a great time today. I hung out. And it's a weekday. Jaw drop. Hahaaz. We went to this bubble tea place and played whatcha-call-that-game. It's like we had to act out the word so our teams can guess. Was acting out "grave" to peeps and they answered things like "suicide!" "murder!" "scene of crime!" "gore!" lord knows how I was acting.

    In front of a reasonably cute guy.

    We're organising a sporting event. Things are going so fast now.. Omg.. it's gonna be next week!! I'm still debating whether to sign up for volleyball. seriously. Because I suck. And he plays volleyball. And I SUCK. So I'm seriously debating. Don't wanna go to school the next morn and see that everyone's sniggering at the over-enthu-but-got-no-talent gal. Oh wait, they already are laughing XD .

    did a poster to promote. Like look, that's what I'm good at, ok? And someone said that "ahhh nina.. for what???" T.T BUT!!! It ended looking MIGHTY COOL! yep. anything by me is mighty. haha. mighty sucky or mighty cool.

    yeap. Guess that's a filler for the week. There's exams parking in the next week slot, so I best get some gas on.

    If ya know whaddye mean.
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    Gosh. One wonders why have I been looking so awful.

|| Pinch me. || 9:10 PM

Saturday, April 09, 2005


    it's one of the times in my amazingly boring life that i have something to describe.
    yes yes. started this blog so we can sorta "keep in contact" though now I seriously think that this blog is starting to lose its function. basically i've mutated to an ill ranting blogger who doesn't give a damn.

    Now on to the nearly inexistant purpose shall we?

    went to the icc bbq today! surrounded by peeps talking in indo
    so all I could do was look at them.

    I have pics!

    But only one with me inside.

    I wanted to try a really cool pic with my frens.
    So I did.
    was the photographer.
    The end effect was really cool! Except for an extra person MUAHA =X

    lazy to upload

    that's basically it.

|| Pinch me. || 7:12 PM

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

    I do not like nerdy men. *shudder*

    Nothing happened. Just that I do not like nerdy men. Unless they look cool. Then the status is raised to smartass. *haw haw*

    THough your truly has a wondrous haircut that may deem her one of the geek squad, she has still set unattainable drooling standards. Yes, that is the power of the boy-scouting clan.

    OMG!! Caught by the mom!!

    And I seriously don't care. I mean, what can she do? Other than embaressing me.
    This gal can take it all! With a blush and a bucket over her head of course. *thou shall not recognize-th me*

    Do you wonder sometimes, behind this happy-go-lucky-boy-siao facade, do I speak what I want to feel?

|| Pinch me. || 8:39 PM

"being flabby is so embaressing!"

[ see ]
superheros like you and me

[ hear ]
danceble music
christina aguilera "make a bad comment about her voice and may you suffer from strep throat forever"

[ touch ]
adopt your own virtual pet!

adopt your own virtual pet!

adopt your own virtual pet!

skin credits!!
Rachel did the banner!! Thanks! :))

[blogger] [blogskins] [Caryn] [Rachel] [Lydia] [Fiona] [Sara] [the snowy freak. *ducks flying hammer*] [Team Blog] [Edwin] [JiaZhao] [a super cool layout ^^] [Lee] [Charlotte or somthin..] [Jessica] [Owen] [Kathie] [Arina]

[ disclaimer ]
any resemblance to the animated pet-like-things above to any person dead or alive is purely coincidental and an act of God, for it was not me who made them (person or pet) look that way. In any case, the author of this blog meant it as a joke and perhaps a sign of twisted affection. The author is also a bigot who talks in third person. *shrugs*
more coming soon when more than 5 people read this blog.

.:[ speak ]:.

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