Friday, September 30, 2005
revelation of personal info
You know, it really isn't wise to let all your friends and know what you're thinking. Well, at least on friendster.
You know, friendster is like acting on a total breach of privacy.
Now you can tell who's actually viewing your blog.
On one hand, some may like it 'coz they can check if "that hot guy check me out O_o *wild horny fantasies*"
On the other hand.. "ew! that hentai oyaji checked me out for the 15th time! He'd better not have all those wild horny fantasies!"
As for me, I really don't want to know who has viewed my profile.
And I don't want people to know who I am. After all, I'm a pretty random person, I just go clicking on whatever profile. I like the spying. Haha. Call me a freak. Whatever.
Hai, so now I can't see the friend of friend of friend who's friend is a bloody shuai guy.
coz they'll be thinking "OMG this girl look at me so many times! *shudder*"
Then again, I don't friend surf alot. =/
So be it. Let the strangers come!
Okay, so I didnt want to contradict myself. So I'll post it up here! Where I know those who read it are people that I know and love, or who I don't know and don't care about. LOL.
1. Are you good at hiding your feelings?
`` Obviously not.
2. How can we tell that you're already irritated?
`` Well, it'll be pretty darn obvious. I'll snarl at you. hah.
3. How do you treat the person that
obviously doesn't like you?
`` BITCH ABOUT THEM. HAh. Well most likely I'll just piss that person off and he/she'll be the one avoiding me. GOOD!
4.What usually ruins your mood?
`` hunger. and lack of sleep.
5. Who do you see everyday that you wish you
just wouldn't at all?
`` well, no one.
6. When was the last time that you had a
good cry?
`` very long ago I believe.
7. How often do you shop for clothes?
`` every couple months.
8. Who's your long-time crush?
`` as you should know, since when did nina have long term crushes?
9. Someone you just had a crush on?
`` kim jae won >_<
10. Do you have something that you wish
you just don't have?
`` many ans. (1)ugly face. lol well, don't want to sound bhb, but it's actually not too bad. (2) body hair. then i never have to shave. yay. (3) underarm fats. How to get rid ah? Nevermind lah, it'll act to cushion my daily bus bumping. "how?" lol. the bus swings and it'll flap in the way! =X
11. Do you sometimes crave for something that
isn't there?
`` ice cream. =/ and hugs (esp from ppl with nice body LOL jk)
12. Do you wish to live in a faraway land where
nobody knows you?
`` why would I do that? I want to live in a faraway land with a shuai ge many shuai ges and we continue looking young forever. rofl.
13. Have you kissed a total stranger?
(well, you know the name, at least)
`` erm. well I prob won't do that in the near future. =P
14. What do you want to do at this very
`` hrm. good question. I don't feel like doing homework..
15. Your worst feeling?
`` kinda hate to be unprepared.
16. How about the best?
`` well obviously the best feeling is to feel happy right?
17. Ever given your number to someone
you dislike?
`` no. fake number loh.
18. Who reads this:
`` lemme guess, prob ryn, fiona, rachel.
19. Have you said i love you and meant it?
`` to a guy? well not to a guy. coz there's no one to say it to.
20. What are you going to do now?
`` hurh? slack lah.
|| Pinch me. ||
5:37 PM
Thursday, September 29, 2005
lazying the rainy afternoon away~
hrm. Today I only managed to know ONE person. Whoa.
BIG IMPROVEMENT. TOMORROW 5!! *determination!*
Didn't know it's so hard to meet people. I wish I was
just older. Like mentality-wise. So that I can take
all of their crap. And well, so I'd have many
interesting things to talk about.
However, being the sheltered person that I am (perhaps
overly sheltered) sometimes I fail to reach out to
other people.
Like that how be be a nice person?!
Sometimes when I read my friendster I get a bit "..".
and then I read someone else's testimonials and I'm
like "O_o wah.. I wonder what it'll be like to be like
Because no matter what, I always seem to find other
people more worthy of praise.
Oh yes! He is so mature! Oh yes she's a great friend!
You know, I always have people who ask for
testimonials. Practically BEG for testimonials. I know
why they do it. They feel good. Heck, who wouldn't
feel good when someone praises you? Rule number one of
fellowship: make your fellow man feel important.
Yes, now when can I write a good testimonial? When I
sincerely know the person. BUT!! That's wrong! So
wrong! One should be able to find the good in ANYONE!
yes! I have to dig down deep and find "what you meant
to me that was actually important". Even for little
things. Like "without your hug the time I fell down, I
would have cried myself to sleep". Okay, so be it!
Lame! But you know (yeah actually that was important)
that person MADE AN EFFORT. and so should I! Step two
of fellowship: Praise in public.
Aiyah back to me lah, it's my blog, so might as well.
According to people:
Nina is not the type you can tell everything to.
Nina is not very observant, nor sensitive to one's
feelings (oh, this one kinda true lol)
Nina very kok eye (same as above)
Nina is not very mature.
Nina likes hot guys. (overly sexual O_o) Lol I added
that in.
Nina is LOUD.
Nina cannot listen very well.
Nina will not help you when you are in need.
Nina is just FUN. That's it.
Nina will quarrel with you. ALOT.
Soo...Nina is just a jackass? O_o
Yeap. I'M SO SORRY!!
I MUST BE THICK SKINNED! You want praise? I hantam you
with praise! You want listen? ( i know bad grammar,
whatever) I listen!! You want no kok eye? I stare at
you until my eyes pop out of their sockets. You want
no quarrel? Fine fine, you want to jump off the
bridge, I'll still nod my head and agree... You want
me to give up guy scouting? NEVER!!
Okay ^^ now for the serious stuff huh?
It's a crime! to let you go without praise is the same
as to let a criminal go free of punishment! A person
who has done good should and must be given credit!
From now on, (if not done before) I shall make your
efforts known!!
Speak, and I will listen. Well, it's not like I don't
listen, people just don't talk to me generally. Now, I
wonder how to make myself more amiable for your
talking pleasure..
Ask, and I will help. Usually it's 'cause (1) I kok
eye I really cannot see that you need help (2) You
didn't ask so I assume you can handle it on your own.
Deep inside this heck care exterior lies a sampa woman
waiting to be let in on the info. So just ask!!
..... T_T well, erm. sorry? It's just that I was
kinda.. immature at that time...
less loud
"you like that all the guys will laugh at you behind
your back!" So thus, guys are named backlaughers. I
might work on the roughness and intensity of what I
say (I guess that's how I always get into fights..)
read more and choose more subtle vocab and constantly
moderate my tone. Got it. BE NICE NINA!
but I will never be quiet! *hmpf*
"Ooo shuai ge!"
Give that up? NEVER!!
Anyway looks arent everything. They're just a bonus.
It elevates them to "eye-candy" level. And plus,
there's something called looking beyond that. (hey
look at me =_=)
Note to someone.
I don't like competing with a guy's attention. I know
you have to be with him. Whatever. That doesnt negate
the fact that.. wasnt it like.. a promise... *glassy
Oh well, I'll just go friend scouting..
It can't be that bad ^^
|| Pinch me. ||
8:50 PM
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
where I am now
this was supposed to be a happy post
About all the nice things that happened today
about all the little things that made me so excited
about the hip hoppers that couldnt hip hop
and the freshmen who looked older.
Yet today is also a sad day
a day when I turn back and look
and realize that I am nowhere further
from where I was before
I'm still the little girl
that talks too loud and doesnt think
who isn't very smart
but dreams big dreams
dreams that are sometimes too big
I'm still the little girl
that makes too many gestures
who makes her feelings shown
and isn't there for anyone accept herself
I'm still the little girl
who shies away
lets all the opportunities
flutter flutter, and no more today.
Here now is still the little girl
Stupid! Stupid! she says
But she'll still wait another day
to grow up.
|| Pinch me. ||
6:29 PM
Monday, September 26, 2005
GOSH!! I FEEL LIKE!! LIKE THAT! *up arrow*
LOL I mADE THE STUPPPIDest call to a... friend. HAHAHA
Now that I think about it, very comical.
Note to self: Do NOT randomly call someone you don't know that well. ALWAYS! ALWAYS have an objective.
alamak!! Like that how to become friends??!!!
*still in shock*
will call her back.
Note to self: ask her what she's doing.
esp. since I didn't talk to her since f.o.r.e.v.e.r.
SO RANDOM!!! *knocks head*
Okay end of story. Today was the first time i went to Dawg Daze! (erm. duh!)
I missed the hip hop thingy. BUT I went for the internship thingy, and there were (to my surprise) actually SOME BREED OF SHUAI GE!! O_O
k lah, that's bout it for today.
|| Pinch me. ||
7:57 PM
die bitch DIE!
hah. I just wanted to say that.
Nina has violent impulses.
Prob got that from someone.. Oh well, will not mention.
Decided not to blog lol. Read later!
|| Pinch me. ||
12:23 PM
Sunday, September 25, 2005
this foul mouth of mine
Argh. *ruffles hair*
Why? Why can't I stop shooting off my mouth?
Am I this immature that I fail to think of consequences?
Or is this just the beauty of me?
Can't I think?
Does this puny brain of mine shy away from responsibility?
Argh. *ruffles hair*
Shit don't get to me, DAMMIT!!
Okay!! Daydream time!
(aka morale boosting time)
So tomorrow's the beginning of Dawg Daze!!
I set into campus and even though I am one in thousands, I still stand with presence. I occupy a tiny amount of land, but my light shinies over to other lands. (lol.) I smile and heads turn. "wow! that shorty girl! I want to be her friend!" I smile, I talk with confidence. From where I come from, anything is possible, I speak, and many listen. I am pleasant, and I am cool. Despite my short cropped-beyond-all-salvation hair, I am still able to pull off a powerful personna. I give all of myself, and I don't expect anything except to be fully accepting of those that bare their souls to me.
I am all of me, and you are all of you.
I give fully, and I live fully.
Nod knowingly, because you should know that I'm trying to .. kiss my own ass.
I'm sorry, but this is the best type of psychoing in ANY situation you're in. It can give you more confidence in ANY situation.
You brainwash yourself.
Try it. I assure you, you'll get results.
The mind is powerful.
|| Pinch me. ||
12:38 AM
Friday, September 23, 2005
the only interesting thing
I keep meeting rachel *yes that invisible entity on the other side of the planet*
and she needs to study.
And 5 more days to school!! So excited and nervous!! What's it gonna be like? What's it gonna be? O_o oooo scary.
Jump into it! nona nina!
random: gosh I'm such a crazy girl. se7en! *muax*
You know, we should all consider the one in a million possibility of him visiting this and laughing his head off.
Yeah, well whatever.
Gosh. "crazy fan girl" I'm pretty sure that there's many more people horny for him.
Episode two: the dreamer strikes back
Okay, so we all make it big singing one day.
Obviously not me, I'll just be some CEO of a music corporation. HAh.
We're all well acquainted with stars, but one day we decide, you know, we're gonna make this concert BIG. BIG BIG BIG.
So like, what are the main music markets of the world?
HAHa I had to add that in. Because of one guy. -_-
well since I'm into K-stuff I might as well indulge in my own little fantasies.
Okay so we invite: DA PUMP (i like their dances T_T) and Ayumi Hamasaki, erm. .. and more lah. I would invite Hyde and Gackt(specially for ochibichan) and dir en grey, but those target more specific audiences.
and also BoA (lord know how everyone goes crazy over her) and she sings much better than me. and .. you know who and etc etc
and also GC and Kelly Clarkson and (geeZ get to the point)
anyways we hit it off really well. and we all become friends!
The end.
I'm not a good story writer, so go imagine yourself. Besides, asia and america will never have a joint concert. Well, never have a joint concert in the USA; it's only possible in an Asian market. Why do I say this?
Well, think of it this way. Think of the ratios, think of the numbers. Where would you think that there would be an idolism of both cultures (or rather, the American culture)? Who's trying to follow who?
To earn the most money, we have to bring the future to the present(or the relative past). So we bring America to Asia.
It'll take sometime before the Chinese power rises us and we can finally bring Asia to America.
In fact, I think that China will rise up and be representative of Asia. Just like how USA is representative of Western culture, though sometimes in a different and inaccurate way. Oh well.
But for now, I'm pretty happy to have the best of both worlds.
See? I told you I'd be a better leader than a singer. huahua. Or perhaps, a really good employee. Then again, I don't plan to work my ass off for another cause different from mine.
It's all in the opportunity cost! We only live once!
*nina is elevated to a philosophical level* if there is such a thing
|| Pinch me. ||
1:13 AM
Wednesday, September 21, 2005

a guy.
first attempt. not bad lahh.
oh and here's the "me". I got lazy on the mouth. haha. WA lao very hard to make me man..

|| Pinch me. ||
6:04 PM
Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Noone beats kimmi-chan.
She races after school. (explaining the skirt lah.)
Siao bo, everyday creating dolls. WHO'S FAULT IS IT??!!
|| Pinch me. ||
11:43 PM
Monday, September 19, 2005

I did another one!! Looky..
it says "Whatcha lookin' at buster?!"
ok, the bg doesnt fit.
.. I was told I have weird taste.
|| Pinch me. ||
5:12 PM

hehe. I have found something to do. I tried to make mini me!!
erm.. it looks a bit korean.. and in fact, it DOESNT LOOK LIKE ME HAHA.
Now you may ask, why the clothes? It looks not bad dun ya think?? haha.
Anyways my hair is something like that. Messy. ;)
You know, maybe I should dye my hair purple too. It looks nice in the pic..
Then again, it's a doll =_=.
|| Pinch me. ||
4:19 PM
Sunday, September 18, 2005
eleven hours.
WAKE UP!! *slaps face around*
Today you shall have to listen to my daydreams.
(yes, I might look back at this and cry (of sadness or of happiness that I didnt sink into this), or, even worse my dad will read this and tomorrow's headlines might read "GIRL FOUND PALE AND DEAD Doctors found that she died of embaressment."
Heck, it's my blog, and I've been taking that risk since day One.
Let's get on with the daydream from the girl who hasnt showered.
I go back to sg and meet ryn ryn and rachel(who is now saying yeah, this is really a dream) and lyd(who is probably thinking the same but doesnt say it) and we get together and sing and suddenly make it big (HAHA)and then we go for this competition/performance thing for breaking into the whole Pan-Asian market so well, we have to sing and we have to show our individual talents. Then I'm like O_o SHIT I CAN'T SING!! Then I suddenly realize that I am in deep deep yak shit. So like, it happens that I am the last one of the team to "showcase" my "talents" and I have chosen to sing an R & B song. Yeah, like what else is there?? Then I sound pretty nice!! (but obviously worse than the other two, who blow the audience away)
Then after than on stage they interview us with "what prompted you to choose this song?" then I assume that Caryn will say something bout her fave mandapop (currently energy) and rachie something 'bout C A .. then I'll just say "well, I like this type of music because it really displays the prowess of choral singing" something like that larh.
And some korean guy (one of the judges perhaps?) asks "so do you happen to have a favorite korean singer?" then I say "well, se7en perhaps?"
Now you all may be thinking "why se7en??" well that's 'coz I was recently exposed to his music and his jap song hikari is not bad, though you can hear his korean accent fairly clearly. And here's the more important part : he's around our age, a few years older (3) AND HE'S NOT BAD LOOKING. HAHA.
he shows up saying "I'm honored that you have heard of me..." (in korean, obviously) AND DISSES ME T_T
(okay, in the daydream part everyone falls in love with me. The above is somewhat more realistic.)
Well, the moral of the story is I get to travel around with my closest buddies and be happily ever after chasing hot guys.
The end.
Perhaps under all this crap you can see the real motivation of the current me.
Think more hentai. lol. OK! you can stop thinking now.
Though it is in fact a dream.
I think in the future, career-wise I'll be closer to rachie than anyone else. Why? I think.. after everything I might just end up being a lawyer.
but i might end up being ryn ryn's FINANCIAL ADVISOR HAHA (still need to learn law for that ANYWAY..) and fiona can be our manager. =X AND GINA WILL BE OUR COVER MODEL!! gee, I wonder how that gal is doing.
off to write letter and GOLF!! =_=
7Up di minum Batman, WassUp man!
Tai di ingak Batman, JEEJAI MAN!
|| Pinch me. ||
4:59 PM
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
I have read.
That muscles weigh more than fat. TRUE OR NOT??!! Then I have more muscle than you larh!! HAHAHA!!
I WEIGH A TOTAL OF 121 pounds!! Which is 54kg!!
=_+ now that doesnt sound too good. At a height of 168++ that'll probably be okay (or skinny perhaps) BUT AS AN ASIAN I KNOW SO MANY PEOPLE WHO WEIGH LESS!!
oh. I'm at a full height of... 160cm! aka 5'3".
(yes I didnt grow taller, dammit.)
okay, I do admit that I have very big thighs. and jelly.. WHAT THE...
return of the dawg!
I have retruned from the cougar's den. After my two day trip (one day drive, half a day walking) of observing the cougars in their natural habitat, I have come to realize that they appear to have very strong school spirit. The entire campus exudes their existence, for they have marked their territory everywhere. From the lamposts and buildings, and even the streets, you can smell them, and see them. THEY ARE EVERYWHERE!! THE LOGO!!

to WSU: sorry I borrowed the spirit mark. I'm using it to prove a point as well as promoting your school.
The school whose name we dare not mention in our territory.
It hits you like *POW!* the moment you get faintly CLOSE to their territory on the other side of the state. It's on the haystacks as you pass the farms "WSU" and it's on the silos of wheat in the middle of nowhere "GO COUGS" and it's on the two villages you pass before pullman (the cougar den) "WELCOME BACK COUGS".
But, it also looks damn cool T_T

Also known as

ANYWAY. So much for my husky pride.
WSU is a really nice school. Really.
|| Pinch me. ||
11:53 PM
Sunday, September 11, 2005
I'm proud..
I'm proud to be Chinese. I know there were times in my life when I said "hey, why in the WORLD would I want to learn Chinese?" Why in the world am I proud to be this yellowie shortie subject to racism and all?
Because. Because no matter how you look at it, I will forever be this yellowie shortie. I can't deny that.
So I have learnt to take pride in myself. I am proud to be the descendant of the dragon. (Let's assume so, dammit.) I don't care if it's a mythical creature based solely on myths and myopia. I don't care if it doesn't exist. Because.. I can't deny that it's something I want to believe in.
I want to believe that the dragon is real and that it's blood pulses through me. I don't care if it's an illusion. BECAUSE I AM CHINESE.
I feel serenity when I believe I'm asian. Heck, I don't have to believe. I am.
Now you might be wondering why the fark am I saying all this?
Okay. It's 9/11.
I'm proud to be American. But I know I'm not fully American. No matter what I say. I know the American dream is within me. I know my passion is still there. Yet.. I've never fought in the independence war, nor have I known what went through in all the civil wars. I can't say " I fought in the war too! I'm one of you!" I CAN'T.
I'm angry. I'm angry because none of my past is american. I have no right to be angry. I have no right. My past is truly asian.
I can't be a proud american because.. I HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING for my country. MY country
Now I know why I never felt that I belonged.
Yet I cry. I cry when the they collapsed. I prayed. And when I saw the commercial that proclaimed "I am American." I wanted to cry. Yes, it's THAT difficult to say that I am one of you too.
I AM CHINESE. I am American.
I want to fight too.
|| Pinch me. ||
11:11 PM
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Now now girls, what's all this hype about bras?
Although I highly celebrate this backless-corset (as it was called in ancient times before the name BRA was invented. Perhaps it's the acronym for "Babelicious Raving Adults" One might never know.) for being female, I don't have much of the mammaries to store in the bra.
Oh well.
Which reminds me. I need to get new bras.
Damn I wish I were with my peeps that I go bra shopping with. I do miss their devilicious ways of looking at underwear, you know.
I know why we celebrate the bra, strap, hook and all.
Because it's in OUR BLOOD! *glimmering eyes*
We love it so much it goes beyond words to explain why.
How lost we would feel without you!!
|| Pinch me. ||
1:08 PM
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
not that bad; never that bad
Smile and live. That's the easiest way to get through a day. Without glitches of course. Say too little and leave with nothing. Say too much and leave feeling that you've gave out too much of yourself.
So the best way to act during the meeting of a bunch of strangers: Smile, and ... That's it.
If people want to know more about you, they'll ask. Don't offer anything of yourself. Focus on them. Let them talk bout themselves. Say their name. Smile. And when they say something that you have a common opinion on, say so. If you oppose, keep it to yourself. Noone likes to hear a stranger's opposing comments.
Then, if you follow all these, the first day won't be so bad. In fact, it was never that bad.
I am a student in the art of leadership. I have realized my motivation in life. To lead. I don't want to be an engineer at the end of the day. Nor do I want to sit in a room counting money. These are just steps to a bigger picture in life. I want to lead. Somewhere, somehow, the only way to really make a difference and is fulfilling enough in nature is the ability to lead. Engineering for me... is just a stepping stone. From an engineer I can become a project manager. But to be a project manager I musn't be afraid of the product. Thus I must be proficient in some type of technology. However, I cannot just rely on one set of skills. I need to know how to remain connected with the "blood" that keeps the world turning. It's money. No matter how hard you try to deny it, it's money that keeps us alive, that drives the human passion. And to be able to tap into the human passion, I need to know how the brain works, and its motivation -- money.
If I have both of these skills, I can both know the poosibilities of the human mind -- technology, and its limitations -- money.
So I'll be okay as long as I remember what I'm doing.
A leader can survive anywhere, as long as there are people.
I do believe I'll spend my whole life learning to be a better leader.
hehe. just random thoughts.
|| Pinch me. ||
10:22 PM
Friday, September 02, 2005
A stromy wind blew over as her as her zanpaktu stretched out its pretty wings.. and spewed out a large amount of ..
thanks to rachel I am unable to restore the glory of my angmoh accent as it lay dead on my feet.
Okami thy strong!!!
went to UW today with a map and an appointment.
It was a wonderful morning. I actually enjoyed getting lost in the lonely campus as its students retreat to their summer vacations. The occasional campus jogger past by me, and a group of freshies (none fresher than yours truly, unfortunately) on a campus tour gave a few glances to the girl with the map.
Still, I have found a new love. The morning.
How often have I forgotten its existance?
How long have I cluttered it with stress, sleep, and homework? How long have I failed to take in the fresh air, and realize the beauty of the wind?
I may hate jogging, but I like air ^^ OXYGEN RULES YA ALL!!
So when you wake up, remember to BREATHE
and to drink lotsa H2O
yours truly,
|| Pinch me. ||
10:26 PM