Monday, October 31, 2005
Your dating personality profile:
Big-Hearted - You are a kind and caring person. Your warmth is inviting, and your heart is a wellspring of love. Adventurous - Just sitting around the house is not something that appeals to you. You love to be out trying new things and really experiencing life. Liberal - Politics matters to you, and you aren't afraid to share your left-leaning views. You would never be caught voting for a conservative candidate. | Your date match profile:
Athletic - You aren't looking for a couch potato. You seek someone who is active and who keeps his body in top shape. Big-Hearted - You want someone compassionate, someone gentle and kind. A loving, nurturing person will fill that hole in your life. Adventurous - You are looking for someone who is willing to try new things and experience life to its fullest. You need a companion who encourages you to take risks and do exciting things. |
Your Top Ten Traits
1. Big-Hearted 2. Adventurous 3. Liberal 4. Wealthy/Ambitious 5. Athletic 6. Outgoing 7. Sensual 8. Intellectual 9. Stylish 10. Traditional
| Your Top Ten Match Traits
1. Athletic 2. Big-Hearted 3. Adventurous 4. Religious 5. Practical 6. Shy 7. Intellectual 8. Sensual 9. Conservative 10. Traditional
Take the Online Dating Profile Quiz at Dating Diversions
a bit ... inaccurate.
|| Pinch me. ||
6:36 PM
I'm sad. =( I DON'T HAVE A COSTUME!!!!
Anyways here are my halloween plans.
i'm going to... fill the bowl with candy and put fake snakes in!!! HAHAHAH.. !!!!!
So exciting!!
Oh wells. things I want to dress up as.. (will spend the time thinking for next year)
I tell you!! Next year's halloween will be a blast!!!
Here are the choices:
Ice Slut (haha. I mean Ice Queen. If I'm not under parent supervision... wish I had my sg friends!! HAHA we can all be.. okie onto the next one.)
forest fairee
and my top choice (which i also have to slim down and tone for)...
YU LAN OF FMP TSR IN CHINESE DIPLOMAT HIDDEN KILLER COSTUME! the one with the long slit qipao and chinese warrior sword! note: it wasn't a samurai sword. It was that wushu kind...
yes yes, the "I'm so weak. NOT! DIE YOU SON OF A ...!!" heh. though prob can't carry off the innocent killer cool look.. Like the crazy guys said "kittens"
Oh well. those are what I want to try.
I'll never do hooker cos I'm not that hot.
|| Pinch me. ||
2:44 PM
It's halloween so here's a story for everyone!! Haha..
The armpit hair chronicles
I have a secret which is not so secret. I know you have a secret too.
I know you have armpit hair.
Heh. deny all you want.
The armpit hair, a thick and protruding piece, was happily basking in the sweaty haven of your under arm..
"ahh what a nice day today.. the smell is great, and I have all my friends swaying in paradise with me..." the armpit hair said blissfully.
"yes yes" said his friend. "what a nice dark night.. looking at the waterfall of sweat and listening to it trickle.. on the beach of underarm skin.. what more can we have!!"
as they stretch lazily suddenly a bright light invaded their privacy.
"hey wait!" said his friend. Look look!!! What ugly things are those? So black and thick, they don't deserve to be on the underarmland!"
"you STUPID!" screamed the armpit hair, "THAT'S US!"
His friend blinked. "oh yeah.."
they found themselves staring face to face with the reflections of themselves. (somehow they have the brains to decipher that, but on with the story!)
Suddenly they heard screams. It sounded like a tsunami hit. ANd IT WAS GETTING cLOSER!!! "AHHH!!!" came the agonizing scream of the neighbour at the edge. "OMG WHAT'S HAPPENING?!" "NOOO!! NOT ME!! NOT ME!!! AHHhhhh....*silence*"
The armpit hair stared in wide eyed horror as the monster pincer came closer and plucked his neighbours out of their rightful place and dumped them into the white pit of hell (the sink). Your sink may not be white, just imagine it is for now.
Just two hairs away from him the monster pincher stopped, and the beige octopus pentagus controlling it put the monster down. "phew!"sighed the armpit hair. "NOO!!!" SUddenly there were desperate pleas and cries for help from down below. The armpit hair watched in solemn silence at the pentagus turned on the tap and unleashed a waterfall of sweat (the armpit hair thinks that the water is odorless sweat, since sweat is the only water it knows) unlike anything he has ever seen before "the sea is falling!!" his friend screamed and the armpit hair watched helplessly as all those he had once knew were washed away into the deep abyss.. some had tried to cling onto the roundness of the sink.. but it was all in vain.. the pentagus flicked them into the massive twirl of water (hey what's the tonardo under the sea called, I forgot.. ) and down down they went..
Now the armpit hair was terrified. This serial killer -- the pentagus!
The pentagus continued on its rampage! There was no escape!
It was coming coming!!!!
Looming above him was the pentagus pincer duo!! He scream as the pincer took him into his wide mouth and pulled! "PAK!" Just at the last minute the armpit hair used his last amount of energy and fought back! He pulled back, and was saved, with the pincer snapping him off just above the roots. Hidden in his little enclave slightly above the skin, he was safe for now..
But his friend was not as lucky..
later that night the armpit hair trembled in his sleep, replaying the massacre in his head over and over again...
and he vowed to take revenge.
" I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST NIGHT." he mumbled to the pentagus in his sleep.
and thus the armpit hair has haunted the underarm till this day, and it never goes away...
|| Pinch me. ||
12:54 PM
Popeye the kok eyed man CONCLUSION
Yes yes, now I've figured that many of your minds are not as twisted as mine.
So thus, here is the explaination.
Now Popeye is doing whatever and proceeds to poke (yeah, poke. get it?) when he realizes that he is limp.
Shocked that his manhood is not responding to such a beautiful hairy flat chested woman, he attempts to run away and hide in shame! But!! Olive puts a reassuring hand on his shoulder, comforting by a booming deep musculine sexy husky etc etc voice, "Don't worry, I have one here!"
Popeye looks down to where Olive is pointing....
And he sees a fully erect piece of manhood-- OLIVE'S!
|| Pinch me. ||
12:47 PM
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Need to fill up the page so it wont hang in IE.
so I present to you!!!
Popeye the kok eye man
Once upon a time in the far away land of the mighty
there lived a kokeye man named popeye.
So kok eyed was he, that on one faithful day,
he received an advertisement
that he read as
A normal person would be surprised. "THAT sentence doesn't make sense in the least!!"
But no, popeye the kokeye man takes everything and analyzes! Did you say analyze? Yes! Kokeyed people have the ability to make sense of kokeyed encryption!
So he said to himself " ahh.. s*x.. coconuts... impotency.. *looks down* that might help me.." for guys only think of one thing, regardless of kokeye or not.
so the kokeye man went on his way to " 1001 elm street" instead of "1010 ellm street" oh.. the kokeye man..
upon arrival he stepped up to knock on the door of the quiant little house, failing to see the banana on the front door steps. As you all know, he slips, conveniently knocking his head on the the doorbell. "RINNNGG!!!!!!!!!!" Somehow the bell sounds like a fire alarm and the door swings open and popeye falls right thru, into the arms of a woman, landing face first into her.. erm.. her valley. Unfortunately her boobs are hard as rocks and he ends up getting a blue black.
" so these must be the so called coconuts.." he said aloud reaching out and knocking the hard orbs, failing to see that a WOMAN stood before him. "tok tok" came the hollow sound of wood. "and just what in the world are you doing?!" came the high pitched shriek of the woman. Behold! There stood the love of his life -- Olive!! (hey erm, minna, that's her name right?) Anyway Popeye falls in love (yes yes love at first sight, must I explain?!) and goes "oh my lady, I'm sorry! I didn't know! They were just hard as ever I thought they were something else!"
"You're talking about my boobs!" she shrieked. Ah wait. She sounds like that all the time.
And eventually they decide to do it because this Olive is also madly in love with Popeye.
After they get married an hour after they met, Popeye attempts to carry Olive to her room. He lifts her up and it drilled into the ground by her weight! "Oh! dear me!! Popeye!!!" shrieks Olive. Oh says. whatever. with 3/4 of his body underground, he sees no way of getting out. Luckily his arms are still out, carrying the oblivious Olive (yes she doesnt know she's the cause). She gives him a can of spinach. "Eat it!! You'll become stronger!!" He reads the can "VIAGRA!" (I know there's no way SPINACH can be read as VIAGRA but get over it) and immediately strains all his muscles in opening the can. Olive has climbed on top of him to make for better use of his hands, drilling him further into the ground. now only with his armpits and above out of the ground, he clamps the can in his under arms in a fit of desperation and clamps as hard as he can! POP! the can opens and the spinach spills out. Oh no! It's on the ground! Never fear, for Olive is here! she pushes him into the ground further and he laps it all up!!
And flies away! Dragging Olive by the hair and into the bedroom. Popeye has become a sex crazed kokeye man!! He flings Olive onto the bed and starts ripping his clothes off, clammering into bed after her.
Then he releases her coconut bra and is too kokeyed to notice a flat and hairy chest.. and hidden inside the coconut cups are.. voice changing equipment!!
When it was time.... Popeye realizes.. that he cannot get erect! Frustrated, he attempts to walk out .. but a hand touches his shoulder.. and a booming deep musculine voice says " Don't worry, I have one here..." O_O
The end!
I think you can guess the ending.
|| Pinch me. ||
11:44 PM
Thursday, October 27, 2005
I'm pissed
I'm not that smart after all hehe.
I'm not satisfied with being in the bottom half. I hate it.
Should be more alert. When Nina is awake and alert she can do anything!!!
|| Pinch me. ||
9:33 AM
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Guess what? I survived the week O_o WITHOUT COPYING HOMEWORK!! Okay lah, only A TWEENY WEENY bit of copying.. but that was only a REFERING OF ANSWERS.
Yes yes.
someone might be compelled to say " You're already in UNI And YOU'RE STILL LIVING LIKE THIS?!" But you know, life' s always more exciting one hour before the deadline. Hah. It's called "life on the edge". Well MAYBE I've got the meaning all wrong. MAYBE it means "i'm in some tom cruise movie and i kick some bad guy's ass for a profession, and happen to always fight on the roof of a moving SPEEDING train and SOMEHOW manage to end up with a helicopter's blade one cm away from slicing my artery WIDE open and making me bleed to death". Perhaps. *shrugs shoulders*
Anyways I have come to make a big announcement!!!
I know the name sounds corny.
Like some "i love you you love me sooner or later we'll both drop dead" kinda shoujo flick.
Apparently it's not!
Paradise Kiss is REALLY GOOD!!! I like the songs!! they FIT!! I WILL NOT DIGRESS!
erm, well, that's it. I know I shouldn't promote it so much coz some peeps are WAYYY too close to exams for comfort.
But I'm still living in the euphoria of having MOST of my midterms over with. Still have one more...... and then finals O_O!! Ah so thus is the life.
Ahhh suddenly I see why my blog is unpopular. LOL.
-addicted to egg tarts-
|| Pinch me. ||
12:06 AM
Friday, October 21, 2005
|| Pinch me. ||
2:17 AM
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
oh lord of all things!
See that big thing up there that says "QUEER"?! SHOOT!! I just realized it's hidden meaning.
I assure you! I am not lesbi!! HEck all my friends can testify how unlesbi I am aka guy horny.
Oh well, will change that soon. ...haaa...
I have come to announce that.. law is basically common sense, and dignity. Can you imagine a person trying to cheat in a law class? lol.
Judges are paranoid. They get nervous easily. Beyond that stern facade.. there lies a timid timid person who hides behind the protection of the law. WOW...
Anyways, the law exam wasn't as bad as I had imagined. whew. But the whole thing is MCQs worth 3 points each. there were 15 fill in the blanks, but those were only one point!! I dunno whether to laugh or to cry.
hrmm, well I need to study for a bit.. next exam in TWO HOURS and I haven't studied a single thing.
Aiyoh. Everyone, please DO NOT EVER follow nina's dao.
You know, blogs are much more entertaining when the author is a self centered raving b.... erm.. person!
Not saying anything about someone =X
HAHA But I like them that way.
I think you can guess who I'm talking about. LOL.
Thus I shall learn to be one too!!! HAHA
|| Pinch me. ||
12:05 PM
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
LOOK!! HAHA!! (okay lah, I know the results were released a long time ago lah.. I slow can??)
HOWEVER!! I'm so sad because most of you will be applying to THESE!!
Ah well, such is life.
|| Pinch me. ||
11:09 PM
|| Pinch me. ||
10:34 PM
oh what's a girl to do!
Ahh! I finally got my internet back. now I'm trying to rush homework. Oh wow.
You know, I haven't tried the school's food yet. except an egg salad sandwich. darh.
Well at least I've have the honors of trying out my husky card for the first time. Turns out when you're in a rush, you should use the card. Just swipe and go. Very cool leh! Like a credit card, just that you dont have to wait for it to process. and you don't have to sign ^^
From now on I'm gonna tell my parents to give me half my pocket money via my husky card.
Now, I know you're just dying to know what this funny "husky card" looks like eh? hahaz.
It looks like this :
erm.. I forgot where my USB cable is. ah well, you'll see it next time.
LOl so much for dying to see it.
you're not dead yet are you O_O
oh well.
|| Pinch me. ||
10:15 PM
Thursday, October 06, 2005
my school!

Perhaps I failed to haolian. hahaz.
so.. where's my department?
Lol it's not in the picture >_<
|| Pinch me. ||
9:53 PM
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
*cough cough*
Dunno lah, think I'm getting sick.
Kinda tired and all,
maybe I got too used to sleeping whenever. hahaz. >_< the summer can do things to you.. Fatigue. There's too many things coming at me.
I wish I had a time stopper, so I can stop time and sleep. And then after I wake up then I can switch time back on and finish all my homework. LOL.
But then I'll grow old faster..
Oh well, since I already look about 2 years older than I am, I'm sure a bit more won't matter.
Oh well on a happier note : I bought my bed!! Wanna see how it looks like.
Argh my brother just said "goodnight everyone!" and is preparing to sleep. Gosh I feel like punching him. YOU SO GOOD HOR?! GO OUT ALL DAY STILL CAN SLEEP!!
Oh well, here's my bed. ^^
whatcha think? I think it's gorgeous. LOL.
|| Pinch me. ||
9:55 PM
Monday, October 03, 2005
argh! purposely!
Stupid prof!! Why can't you just be blur!!! PURPOSELY CHOOSE ALL THE QUESTIONS DON'T HAVE ANSWER RIGHT??!!
I refuse to do homework today. I WANT TO SLEEP! SCREW YOU DISCRETE STRUCTURES!! *KICK!*
It seems to be that I'm the only one in class not knowing wtf is going on. Hah.
Nevermind, I'm pretty smart. LOL.
|| Pinch me. ||
11:42 PM
jae joong
Ooo he is cute! He's also a mighty big camera whore LOL.
wanna see his pics? I lazy to paste. muahaz.
Damn I also want. lol.
|| Pinch me. ||
10:12 PM
Sunday, October 02, 2005
My first week of uni is just treacherous! I have piles of homework!! NOO!!
You know something's wrong when you start seeing "State in English the converse and contrapositive of the following implications : a is pushed onto the stack before b, and then b is popped before a."
O_o OMG!! It's geeky land!!
I have to do 60 pages of reading for law. And I have to attend any session in court before the last day of the quarter. Ooo I wonder how court sessions look like. that'll be interesting.
Who said law is easy?? *(&%!&#@$^!!!
I also happen to know nothing of statistics. wow.
But at least accounting's okay, except now we learn about stock markets O_O and I have a very stock-market-y professor. yea, freaky.
but you know what? I still like geeky land the best. and I think law is so darn interesting. *slurp slurp* but hard. very hard. that's why lawyers have to be such smart people. (yeah, like duh!)
Anyways. those are the two subjects that I think I'll have the most difficulty with. But will enjoy. Weird huh? People are supposed to like the easier stuff. hah.
Oh yea, if a is pushed onto the stack before b and b is popped before a, then the one on top of the stack will be a.
right? not sure if the ans right.. esp since I don't know what's contrapositive and blah.. It's only the first week dammit! T_T
I thought I lost my wallet a moment ago. And was panicking around the house about to scream. then I was like "think think think!" and I remembered white. weird right? White?? But like straight after that "white" flash I suddenly knew where my very stupid hand placed my wallet. I hid the thing in the cup holder of the back seat. DUH!!
So now I have to wait for my dad to come back so i can check the car.
Sheesh, I thought I put it in one* of the boxes I packed.
*which explains the panic.
Like that lorh.. moving in a few days to Bellevue! Please don't send anything to my current address in Seattle BECAUSE I'M MOVING!! Leave a tag if you want to know my new address and I will email it to you. Or drop me an email. Thank you!!
|| Pinch me. ||
9:20 PM
Saturday, October 01, 2005
who's kim jae won??

there. hahaz.
He's not very photogenic though.
And here's my fave pic of Choi Dong Wook (se7en)
Cute?? Haha. Don't care what you think.
They look kinda similar. Wow. I just realized that.
So now I like that type of guy. Heh.
If you find any like that in real life, intro intro :)
I have seen guys like that around. and on their arm they have their fave accessory: a girl. O_o "why didn't intro?" come one lah, it's not like "wow! I will cat fight all for you!" it's more like "why waste my effort."
Well like my mom said "if you want to look at cute guys, you have to be more feminine so that they'll look at you!! " O_o
Should I? Should I be "more feminine"?
Have a feeling that I'll cough blood.
Let's imagine. Picture this.
I'm feminine. I wear a really girly dress. How girly? erm, lace? hahaz. (I like lace, okay, SURPRISE! =_=) and I have long curly locks (whoa, so not me. well, not me now lol). And I have a handbag that I sling on my shoulder instead of the lousy sling bag I have now. "yeah loh! so tomboy!! With nirvana badge summore!" and I wear boots. Oo I like boots. Suede boots! With pointy heels. Oooo killer.
Character. Nina is not the super loud active hyper etc etc girl that you know. Nina is quiet, smiles alot, and doesn't make exaggerated hand movements when she talks. She talks softly, and always smiles that sweet smile. Let's say she smiled herself dimples (GOSH DIMPLES ARE SO CUTE!) =_= bleahz. yes, dimples are cute. and nina doesn't have em =( But you know what? ALot of cute people don't have dimples! yay! Life is fair! =X
She walks slower, in smaller steps (not the long long near split ones, mind you) and she doesn't swagger when she walks. (OMG DO I SWAGGER?!) She doesn't roll up her sleeves and wear ridiculusly guyish tweed bracelets.
She actually has earings! that don't look like some amazon princess'! (lol)
her fav colors are not brown and green and orange (gee what kinda weird color combo is that?). Instead, the soft purple, blue, and pink.. and soft yellow.. Btw I like soft yellow! Looks so happy..
She doesn't wear hoodies. She wears fluffy fur jackets!
And lip gloss, not lip balm!
and she goes for manicures and plucks her eyebrows!
She sits properly. Not like leg up and everywhere.
Close your eyes and picture.
and here's the princess.
HAhah!! At least I never show you one of the more nauseating shots okay!! Like this!
LOL. TELL ME: HOW I LOOKS SO DUMB?! it's called enjoyment of cotton candy. The guy just shoved it into my face when I walked past the chem club. And that you see there is HALF of it. (the other half stuck itself into the inside of my waist.)
|| Pinch me. ||
11:17 PM
my most precious CD
it so happens that today I'm packing up and moving to this wonderful new destination. A house, for once. and probably for a long time.
And so happens that there's a dusty corner of my room where I put my very small cd collection.
And there lo and behold, I find an unnamed blue cd. Ah yes, the cd by which was giving to me on the day I left sg. ryn's voice.
And suddenly so many memories flood me that I halt all progress with my packing and decide to turn on the computer, log in, and madly type away.
Yeah, well, I just wanted to stop packing (lazy lah).
Suddenly I wish I still had that tape.
You know, the experimental tape of our younger years?
The one that will positively absolutely end us with a recording contract?
What song were we singing? Enlighten me. So that I may suddenly start crying out for no darn reason.
Enlighten me anyways.
Thanks Caryn, that cd really means alot to me.
|| Pinch me. ||
1:36 PM