Tuesday, January 31, 2006
vanilla latte!
My new love.
One that can wake me up in the morning,
Freshly prepared by the cutie who always says "tall vanilla latte! Thank you!"
yes, i live for little moment like these.
|| Pinch me. ||
1:56 PM
Monday, January 30, 2006
and it was all a dream
You dont know
How much I hope for you to speak to me everyday
How much I love to hear the changes in your voice
How much I notice the slight ways in which you move
You don't know
How much I long to see you smile
Or how happy I am when you do
You don't know,
That everytime you leave,
I wish for another 5 minutes
Just to be with you.
This is me and my romantic alter ego
Who only appears fleetingly in little naps
And in the tender moments of a daydream
But you dont know
No, it's me who doesn't know.
One day my famous words
"Gosh, stop pinning for him!"
Will just bite me right back on the butt.
Yes, the one that kept farting.
|| Pinch me. ||
3:33 PM
Saturday, January 28, 2006
To the people I care for and love
As a human, I accept you
As a child, I learn from you
As a woman, I respect you
As a friend, I love you :)
And as Nina,
I squeeze your chichis. XD *runs!*
Happy CNY guys!
"we are not guys, we are hot chicks."
|| Pinch me. ||
11:09 PM
Thursday, January 26, 2006
It's amazing what can happen to you after you SLEEP.
I woke up and the first thing that flew into my brain when I was brushing my teeth (yes, of all times) was
"Nina, I think you need a more mature guy."
(note, my thinking is in italics)
Me: "what?" YOU think I'm IMMATURE?!
her: no, i mean like, because you're so happy and all, you need a person who's.. more mature
me: Are you trying to say that I'm immature?SHE IS SAYING I'M IMMATURE!! *&%&*%!&(^
her: well, no! I mean you need..
me: WTF?!??! I DON'T NEED A (*^&^%*&( GUY! oh, well in the first place, I don't NEED a guy.
her: *pause* oh yeah that's true..
WW: HAUAAHHAHAHA (oh at least that's the thing I remembered... sleep can twist things)
WTF??!!? I read r's blog. Turns out that V-day is coming. *oooo* nina realizes now.
Nina doesn't care.
Why? Because she had her first vanilla latte. and is very happy.
Was in the hub munching on a blueberry bagle. No person in the world could have been fag enough to wipe the silly smile off her face.
Currently trying to refrain herself from typing shitloads of crap.
lol, I know it's stupid, but if I "spend" all my happiness here, I won't be able to keep it to myself.
Yeah, that sounded stupid.
|| Pinch me. ||
10:27 AM
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Oh hey I was thinking, since I can't make it to any parties (parents, sigh.) maybe i'll just make my own!!
Now all I need is PEOPLE. LOL.
And a place. A PLACE!! It can be my place, but you have to get my parents out.
And my place can't fit a hundred people, you goon!
Sheesh, wanna get my own place. *ah, but i have to work, and do my laundry, and watch what I eat.. and iron.. and vacuum... and etc...*
And you know, it'll have light fixtures and a DJ station. and it'll have a DANCEFLOOR. HAHAHAHa.
Look, my life may pale in comparism with my classmates, but hey, that's just because they're too OLD and have way too much more life experience than I have. So instead of wanting to fit in, perhaps I should just form my own life :D.
Was depressed earlier this week, but now I realize that I don't have to be. So what? So what if I can't tell people "oh you know what happened at blah blah blah?"? Yes, I know right now most of my "friends" are backup and I really only have 2 people to go out with. Actually, to GO CRAZY with.
This week, I sat next to people whose weekends were "oh, i was out dancing" or "oh, yeah I was out at a party". Yes, I did feel out of place. I felt inferior. Is that why I can't be their friends? Coz I don't have a life? It hurt.
It was my lack of sleep.
It hit me when Tim said "backup friend".
I'm happy to have met Fera, because we're both kinda blank. Well, I'm happy that I won't be filling out the pages alone.
ANYWAYS!! The DANCEOUT is still ON!! :D:D
|| Pinch me. ||
11:45 PM
Monday, January 23, 2006
guys be gone
Here's a bimbotic post :D:D
I am SOO Stressed!! I have a PIMPLE oN MY CHIN!! *oh the horror!!*
"I told you not to touch your face so much!"
"haha, must be coz you keep sleeping in the library."
"no, it's because you sleep in CLASS so much"
*laughter laughter*
=__________________= (. . .)
Anyways, bought this new moisturizer! It's less oily then my vitamin E cream, so I can use it in the morning! yay!
and I'm depressed because my facial wash is SO BLOODY (*^&%%$&^*^&(O EXPENSIVE!!!
It's so stupid because it comes in a pack of 3 but I only use the cleanser. (&^*%%*$ waste of money.
They only come individually online T_T but it's inconvenient. nina buys stuff only when she uses up her stuff to THE VERY VERY VERY LAST DROP. and when there's no more she puts WATER in and washes it out. lol, yea, I'm CHEAPSKATE. I'm also TOO LAZY to buy stuff.
Oh. You know what's EVEN more *%&*%&% stupid?! The pack of 3 costs $20. The CLEANSER costs $10!!! *&%*&$&^&%*!!!!
Or maybe i should just stop using it and get another one...
Since I've already got it, I have another 3 months to think about it. heh.
And some idiot dyed her hair burgundy. =___= the color I wanted. TAKE A PIC ALREADY!! *slap slap* If it's nice then I shall try too *whahaha.* we shall be red heads!
Speaking of that, should get hair done.
"well, it's like that, if you have short hair you keep wanting to cut it. Just wait a few months larh.. let it grow out, then have a nice haircut!"
>_< ooooo. wanttocutwanttocut
Good all I need is 2 more and we can form a basketball team LOL.
Eye makeup for single eyelids
MY STUPID SONG doesn't play sometimes, so you might be wondering why the heck did I put up only 5 seconds of "say goodnight and go"
Well here's the lyrics.
goodnight and go
Skipping beats, blushing cheeks I am struggling
Daydreaming, bed scenes in the corner cafe
And then i'm left in bits recovering tectonic tremblings
You get me every time
Why d'ya have to be so cute?
It's impossible to ignore you
Must you make me laugh so much
It's bad enough we get along so well
Say goodnight and go
Follow you home, you've got your headphones on and you're dancing
Got lucky, beautiful shot you're taking everything off watch the curtains wide open
Then you fall in the same routine flicking through the TV relaxed and reclining
And you think you're alone...
One of these days, you'll miss your train and come stay with me
We'll have drinks and talk about things, any excuse to stay awake with you
You'll sleep here, i'll sleep there, but then the heating may be down again
at my convenience
we'd be good, we'd be great together.
Say goodnight and go,
why's it always always
goodnight and go
Darling not again
Goodnight and go
If you can't hear the whole song, then ... too bad,
coz I like the song lol.
|| Pinch me. ||
8:38 PM
|| Pinch me. ||
1:13 AM
Sunday, January 22, 2006
You Are Opium!
You like to have fun and enjoy life. Reeeeeally enjoy life. If it isn't fast, loud, or extreme forget it. You value friendship and are loyal and will not hesiste to go off if someone crosses you.
What Naughty My Little Pony Are You?
RACHEL!! LOOK AT WHAT YOU'VE DONE!! Now I'm having a quiz orgy!!
Last night was I so AMUSED by someone. or something. Don't know which one amused me more.
You know, I have the same problem as you do.
Yesterday I was out calling people. It's weird how it's been two years since I've heard your voice but you're still you. ^^ thank you. but crap, now i miss you.
It's frustrating that I'm never be there for you. I was never there for you. I want to be there for you!
It's hard to be so close yet so far. And now, I'm really really far.
If you have problems, just call me. Leave a message. Then I'll call you back, I promise (and it does save you money when I call haha). Really doesn't matter what time you call. I'll always be there. Don't bottle everything up!
You'll just end up being stupid like me. LOL.
You: wait nina, I dont think you've ever bottled things up..
=/ gosh I need to talk to you!
|| Pinch me. ||
10:34 AM
Saturday, January 21, 2006
|| Pinch me. ||
5:54 PM
random nights.
I dont have to look for fun. IT JUST COMES.
Like a fleetin bagel.
Because of that bagel i was in QFC for 2 hours.
"hey we missed the bus"
"nevermind, there's the 8.44 one!"
"hey, erm.. we missed the bus"
"Nevermind, there's the 9.44 one!"
"erm... we missed... forget it, SOMEONE'S COMING FOR ME!!"
and so that's how being at the gym took me 5 hours.
|| Pinch me. ||
1:21 AM
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Popcorn throwing 101
Sure. You've heard of throwing popcorn. You've seen it while watching movies. They do it in the movies.
But you've never done it. Like me.
We're losers man.
One day, we should rise up and face our fears.
That which prevents us from learning the sacred art of popcorn throwing.
Sit behind a couple that is kissing. With their faces glued together. You have just found the PERFECT aiming arena. See, when they kiss
[22:24] dixmbrbaby: there was this little triangle opening between their bodies
which you can use as target practice. Team up with friends! Slam dunk ten points, bull's eye 20 points, stuck in girl's hair 15 points, for everything else, run.
GO to a SUPER boring movie and wait for people to OPEN WIDE! Choking -- 100points~! for everything else, RUN!!
cannonball practice! sit on an aisle seat and shoot people getting up to use the bathroom. HAHAHA.
[22:26] dixmbrbaby: i run away first
[22:26] dixmbrbaby: don't throw my face along with your popcorn lor
And dont make popcorn buddies with the person above.
|| Pinch me. ||
10:55 PM
Wanted to sleep early last night but ended up chatting too much. (And sleeping throughout my WHOLE lecture. I'm absolutely positive she knows me by now. Later I'm gonna go to her office hours and reclaim myself. >_<)
Anyways, when I go back to singapore I wanna go to the Ministry of Sound. Looks like a nice club. wanna check out the Smoove arena. (yes, guess what me and ryn were talking about. clubbing, of course!)
Ministry of sound
Ryn wanted the "Pure"
Pure's nice, but doesn't look like you can dance. Maybe that's why...
Lyd's a hip hopper too right? No idea.
=random type begin=
SO lucky I asked how to SPELL her name!! HAHAHa I nearly called her INU!!
Recap" I think her name is Inu"
Fara: "Noo!! No sane indo parent will name the child Inu!!"
"ha. REALLY?! I'm pretty sure her name is INU!!"
Tell me, how did YUNNY (such a nice name) evolve into INU?! Just goes to show that I'm sleeping in class.
Oh but after class she asked me "do you... speak singlish?"
"oh, of course, lah.."
And then we kao bei kao bu all the way to her class. No actually she walked me here. So kind T_T
I got her number!
It's weird.
In CS people ask "hey what's your SN/ msn nick/ yahoo" any of the above, mostly AIM and MSN tho..
In business "hey what's your number?"
For the most part I started in business first before cs.. so I always get numbers. Then I ask for msn or whatever on the phone... (haha... in cs it's the other way around..)
No well actually, I used to ask for MSN in sec school before numbers..
And in JC I didnt have to ask. The benefits of being class chairman are many.
Unfortunately I wasn't much of a leader.
Did improve more in college though. Now nina's better at twisting minds. (lol)
Well, I wouldnt know. Havent led people in a while.
Well these are more random thoughts but they are for optional reading.
Yes, that's why I blanko-ed them before you read it. haha.
The last time I led something was.. about 3 months ago.. but for minor things, people cant really tell.. I know there's so many responsibilities that come with being a leader.
Remember there were so many times I was so vexed because as a leader I didnt execute myself well enough. It's like I've never realized that I COULD be one, and suddenly the idea just smacked me in the face and I thought, hell, why don't I try? Then suddenly it hit me that I've always been one but I never TRIED. A leader is a leader if she/he wants to be one. So now.. I'm gonna want to be one.
me chicken. pok pok.
|| Pinch me. ||
9:53 AM
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Can you smell my hand?
That's what my brother said to me. =___=
Gosh, I just told him to grow up when I was doing my homework.(was pissed. he was playing with MY VOLLEYBALL in MY ROOM!!) *is analyzing actions*
I know he hates me sometimes. It's like I took away all his glory.
But in the end he gets everything anyways, so we even out. haha.
"Ko, do I act too mature sometimes?"
"O_O serious?!"
Thinking about it there were alot of people who asked him if I was his older sister.. OLDER?!! OLDER??!!! then... they thought I was..... 22+??!!!! NO!!!! *slaps on antiwrinkle cream!*
I'm hyper now. I finished my lab. Huahahaha. Well not the schematics tho... tomorrow!!
Ahhh rachel fly over here so we can partyy~!!!! It's funny.
I dont think I can party with anyone else =
Anyways, maybe I should go party this weekend!
*thinks* but dont know anyone. MAYBE I'm NOT COOL ENOUGH O_O oh wait, I knew that!
*shit* I just realized I got invited to go with Kat but i never called back! :O I DO know SOmeone!!
*nina is too hyper now.*
Shall go IM someone... RYN RYN~!
|| Pinch me. ||
11:40 PM
"Humped a shar pei
Pulled out too late
Now the bitch
has a litter of eight
They eat all the Alpo
Right off of my plate
Why the hell
didn't I just masterbate"
ug, can't take on the role of Slimefoot anymore since i'm not very english anymore..
Here goes crappy english
Dearest Toothbud,
Seeing your letter after thirteen eternities was indeed very depressing. I hope that this will not happen again.
I'm sure Our Father Below would be displeased of you not being able to handle your own student, for alas! 'Twas was you who taught me the grand art of S & M. The little minions that I have been entrusted with, or as you would prefer to call it -- those minions whom I have received on loan from Our Father Below seem to be thoroughly enjoying themselves. Our Father Below is thus very pleased to have them in my care instead of yours.
My! Isn't it a tad too late to be chiding me of basking in the vicinity of a Christmas tree? Your untimely-ness disappoints me so, dear Toothbud. For you have not seen me in a long time, you have not seen how wonderful I have become. Fortunately, Our Father Below has truly recognized my evil spirit and has been supplying me with enough dark force to allow me to spawn in his nether regions. (nina is laughing.) I'm so sorry to leave you now, my mentor, but it is time we must part.
Today was the WEIRDEST DAY everr!!
Only had two hours of sleep, so I slept on the bus to school, like I do everyday.
As I was sleeping there was some distant ringing in the back of my head but I couldn't pinpoint what it was. I thought it was the montlake bridge opening up lol!! Apparently, it was the BUS!! The BUS WAS RINGING!!! It sounds like an elevator alarm!
So well, the bus had broken down. People just got off the bus there and then. Being the blur kok ( and semi awake) that I am, I just waited. HOW STUPID IS THAT?! Then after 5 mins the driveer decided there was nothing he could do about it and we all got off. People just stood around. Eventually I felt like an idiot and started walking to school.
. walk walk walk..
Then I checked the time : 8:15am. Fark! only 15mins to class!! There was a quiz today! Usually I always reach school at 8.05 or something and reach class by 8.15, so i can stare off into the distance. So I sped up, but i didnt walk very fast, and almost puked (but luckily didnt have breakfast, so nothing came out) and when I reached my class (from montlake to savery!!) it was 8.27!! AMAZING!! I had THREE WHOLE MINUTES!
After feeling woozy and all, ( and very very very hot) I became VERY HIGH after class. I think the adrenaline kicked in. Too bad I didnt have anyone to be stupid with.
Anyways, around noon I became woozy.
And in the end I waited for nothing because she had homework. =( no gym.
Hey, my pants are falling off, not sure if that's a good sign.
Why is my ass getting smaller?!
Shouldn't it be my thighs?!
Another super freaky thing. In Odegard I was holding my pen on the edge of the table, and as I bent down to pull out my books, it sort of teetered off the table a bit, then some THING TWIRLED my pencil around so that its cg was resting on my table! O_O SO AMAZING!!!
ah, my life is full of weird things. Maybe it's just because of some weirdo.
|| Pinch me. ||
7:22 PM
Monday, January 16, 2006
only see this person for 10minutes online everyday.
And I end up dying of laughter.
(decided this was more interesting than blackmailing you HOHO)
But crap, it's blackmailing myself.
[22:49] n_chyil: i used to know more when i read
[22:49] dixmbrbaby: ahahahaahhahaa
[22:49] n_chyil: just like how i knew more CHINESE
[22:49] dixmbrbaby: i knew more when i didn't read
[22:49] dixmbrbaby: hahahahahahahahaha
[22:49] dixmbrbaby: chinese?? all returned liao
[22:49] n_chyil: it has sunk deep down inside me
[22:49] n_chyil: HAhaha
[22:49] n_chyil: we were just being kind
[22:49] dixmbrbaby: it's not even within me anymore
[22:49] dixmbrbaby: hahhahahaahha
[22:49] n_chyil: scared that the teachers later wont have anything to give others
[22:49] dixmbrbaby: ya
[22:50] n_chyil: so we give all of it back to them
[22:50] dixmbrbaby: we're so nice
[22:50] n_chyil: so xiao shun
[22:50] dixmbrbaby: yes
[22:50] n_chyil: yes yes
[22:50] dixmbrbaby: hahahahahahaahha
[22:50] n_chyil: oh no!!
[22:50] dixmbrbaby: that's just TWISTED
[22:50] n_chyil: now one teacher in the world cant remember!!
[22:50] n_chyil: :O
[22:50] n_chyil: no it's not
[22:50] n_chyil: it's called saying things in an illogical manner that makes sense
[22:50] dixmbrbaby: hahahahahahahahhaa
[22:50] dixmbrbaby: DIAONG
[22:51] n_chyil: what goes in muust come out
[22:51] n_chyil: so for it to stay in it must go in, come out, and go in
[22:51] n_chyil: it's the yin and yang of the chinese world..
[22:51] dixmbrbaby: you know what that sounds like?
[22:51] n_chyil: lol
[22:51] dixmbrbaby: hahahahahahahhahaahaha
[22:51] n_chyil: no tell me
[22:51] dixmbrbaby: OMG you dunno???
[22:51] dixmbrbaby: go in, come out, go in, come out
[22:51] n_chyil: NO OMG I DONT!
[22:51] dixmbrbaby: nina is so pure
[22:51] dixmbrbaby: hahahahahahahaha
[22:51] n_chyil: LOL!!
[22:51] n_chyil: FARK!
[22:51] n_chyil: omg!
[22:51] dixmbrbaby: HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA
[22:52] n_chyil: *slap slap*
[22:52] n_chyil: I'm 20 days younger than you after all
[22:52] dixmbrbaby: ah, yes
[22:52] dixmbrbaby: and 20 days less corrupted
[22:52] n_chyil: omg did I just describe the process?
[22:52] n_chyil: lol
[22:52] dixmbrbaby: ya
[22:52] dixmbrbaby: hahahahahahahhaa
[22:52] dixmbrbaby: glad you understood
[22:52] n_chyil: YOU SICKO!
[22:52] dixmbrbaby: hahahahahahahahhahahaa
[22:52] dixmbrbaby: dying of laughter
[22:52] n_chyil: well yeah, 20 days isnt much more virginal
[22:52] n_chyil: lol
[22:52] n_chyil: me also
[22:52] n_chyil: why does this always happen with you?!
[22:52] n_chyil: TWISTEDD!
[22:52] dixmbrbaby: how i know????
[22:52] dixmbrbaby: hahahahahahhaha
[22:53] dixmbrbaby: it's all YOUR fault
[22:53] n_chyil: my fault?
[22:53] dixmbrbaby: hahahahahahahahahaha
[22:53] dixmbrbaby: ya
[22:53] n_chyil: Everytime it's my fault!
[22:53] n_chyil: grow up!
[22:53] dixmbrbaby: of cos
[22:53] dixmbrbaby: hahahahaahhahaa
[22:53] n_chyil: OMG! T_T
[22:53] dixmbrbaby: you're younger, so it's your fault
[22:53] n_chyil: .....
[22:53] dixmbrbaby: it's one of the laws of nature
[22:53] n_chyil: i thought it's the older way round
[22:53] dixmbrbaby: no
[22:53] dixmbrbaby: the older ones make the rules
[22:53] n_chyil: "MOM!! jie jie buweeee mee~!!!"
[22:53] n_chyil: crap. no mommy here.
[22:53] dixmbrbaby: MOM!!!meimei
[22:54] n_chyil: O_O
[22:54] dixmbrbaby: 's being stypid!!
[22:54] n_chyil: O_O
[22:54] n_chyil: O_O
[22:54] dixmbrbaby: hahahahahaa
[22:54] n_chyil: dub u tee eff?!
[22:54] dixmbrbaby: can't even type straight
[22:54] n_chyil: LOL
[22:54] n_chyil: me too
[22:54] n_chyil: whats wrong with you man?
[22:54] dixmbrbaby: hahahahahahahah
[22:54] dixmbrbaby: your fault
[22:54] dixmbrbaby: hahahahahahahahhaa
[22:54] n_chyil: one day i shall defy you with your own perverse laws
[22:54] dixmbrbaby: eh i go eat my instant mee lunch liao
[22:54] n_chyil: HAHAHAH
[22:54] n_chyil: kk
[22:54] dixmbrbaby: see ya later if you're online
[22:54] dixmbrbaby: hahahahahaha
[22:54] n_chyil: sure i will be
[22:54] n_chyil: LOL
[22:54] dixmbrbaby: have fun trying to circumvent rachel's laws
[22:55] dixmbrbaby: lalalalala
[22:55] n_chyil: =___=
[22:55] n_chyil: *out*
SEE??? Less than 10 minutes!!
the baby up there <-- mapling life. (the most eloquent of the batch)
ryn <-- media life (used to be the most hot headed)
lydia <-- protein life (strongest and most bouncy)
fio <-- jrocking life (the coolest)
me <-- ugg. (lol, the lamer. who doesnt walk straight)
And yea, there you have it, the people who read this blog. Well, sometimes.
|| Pinch me. ||
10:41 PM
Oh when I woke up tonight I said "I~~~~I'm gonna make somebody love me, I'm gonna make somebody love me, and now I know, now I know, now I know, I know that it's you!! Oh you're so lucky you're so lucky!" <-- Do you want to -- Franz Ferdinand
I woke up at 9.30am. half an hour after the deadline of my assignment. And I couldnt care less that I sent a corrupted file at 4am. HAHAHA
*"I'm so lucky I'm so lucky!"*
Speaking of that I bought new jeans. LOL
(or is it miaru? XD)
miageta yozora no hoshi tachi no hikari

(if you can't tell that those are my old jeans, then .. you must not know me or clothes.)
For your entertainment I have included a measuring tape. Lol. (click on the picture, opens a new window with a bigger picture. just in case you dont know.)
Ugg, I'll wear waterproof pants next time I go do professional yardwork.
and I got a free tee

If you have any thoughts on how i look KEEP IT TO YOURSELF.
Unless you want to say I'm pretty.
Besides there's better things for you to know!
Met the treasurer of the film club! There's this one minute film competition that ends end of Spring quarter, should I try it out?
WARNING: Teenage chatter ahead (regarding me telling her plans of dominating the world, phase one -- media) :
She was like, "Go for it!"
Then I was like "Yeah man!"
And then she was like "I think it's a great idea!"
and I was like "Cool!"
And then she was like "I'll contact you!"
and I was like, "sure!"
and then we were like "so cool man!"
and then whatever, man!
Yes yes, I shall tell my idea to you!
Hint: story involved kids, a bridge, and college student.
No silly! It's not a porn show! *slap!*
"the story of how they fucked and came up with me"
you can guess it actually.
It's about this brother and sister (yes, yes, i know, i know, but I actually want them to be adopted.)
telling the audience about how they hate each other
except they're really not talking about themselves.
In the guy's voice he voices out what his sister thinks of him. In the girl's she voices out what he think of her.
It's something like they hate each other but they understand why they hate each other. And deep inside they dont hate each other. *nina is starting to make herself confused*
first it starts out with 'why?' why him? why her? I hate her! I hate him!
then it progresses, (like going across a bridge) and then it ends with these grown ups going "that's how you thought of me, huh? :)" then well, they go home. "Let's go get some dinner, dude!"
Yes, predictable.
|| Pinch me. ||
4:43 PM
I'm in a fugging shitload of crap man!! *lolz!* I can't believe I'm in such deep shit . delirious. ohbloodyhell.
Anyways, app I'll be going alone for the whatever volunteering thing. Ah well, hope it'll still be fun. (or maybe they're all just geeks like me who don't have a life. and they blog alot recently. too farking much. *NO LORD NO!!*)
sad. sad. VERY VERY SAD T__T
Even sadder that I wont get enough sleep. I'll be a total zombie.
Wtf is wrong with my code =___=
if [ $# -lt 3 ]
2 < 'Error: You must supply at least 3 arguments.'
elif [[ -d "{$1}" || -d "{$2}" || -f "{$1}" || -f "{$2}" ]]
2 > 'Error: file exists.'
exit 0
# place into variable names
thefile="{$1}"; errorFile="{$2}"
# so it doesn't get lost when shifted
shift; shift
for args in $@
if [[ ! -f "{$args}" || -d "{$args}" ]]
echo "File does not exist or is a directory." >> errorFile
cat "{$args}" >> theFile
There. I know I shouldnt post stuff like this up, but hey, NOBODY reads my blog. lol. Besides it STILL DOESNT WORK.
*nina is pissed*
Will start earlier.. next time..
|| Pinch me. ||
2:19 AM
Sunday, January 15, 2006
my desktop

thanks to shinta, from imanimetions.net.
Gives me a bit of a dizzy feel, but it doesn't matter since I usually dont look at it. lolz.
|| Pinch me. ||
9:27 PM
a break!
got soo hungry then I got into something (like READING) and then I wasn't hungry anymore.
There's a girl (fatty bom bom XD "OMG SO BAD!!") that cries on and off in the lab "I'm slow!" with her mentor saying harsh things to her. "If you really can't take it your should drop! Don't BLA BLAH BLAH BLAH~~"
Sounds a bit like me. *makes note to change myself* It's wayy too harsh. Noone likes harsh people. >_< should change, should change..
Heck, I'm SOOOO SLOW but I'm still very happy. *hahahaha!*
I did THREE QUESTIONS!! In 6 hours! Yes I'm slow, but I figured out number 4 all BY MYSELF!! *laughs insanely in her heart* It's only 3 lines. *nina's life is full of little ups and very deep downs*
After this I can go SWIMMING!!
Oh wait, I forgot I don't like in Singapore anymore. *have to wait till tomorrow morning ... someone cancelled my gym date XD*
Ag. I wanna swimmmmm........ aloneeeee.....where noone can see.....my S***** *****.
The lab is like my school back there, what to do! (MJ library 2nd floor)
Hey! There's indonesians in front of me! Should I say hi??!! SHOULD I??!!
Evil part: "FOR WHAT?! Do you want to continue to forget your english?!"
Good part: "You've already forgotten some... maybe you can make use of them later... *evil laughter"
VERY GOOD PART: "Yay, make friends!"
okay, I did it. HAHAHA. Yes I know their names now too. Apparently they know me but they've never seen me. "oh I know you, you were talking to *insert guy name*"
I told them whatever they've heard, KEEP IT TO YOURSELF.
I'd rather live in ignorance than in shame.
*inner laugh*
Hey, he's kinda ****. :P
Gosh I need to go home or I'll die of hunger. When I remember.
Do you know what NA is?
It means Nina Awesome. XD
|| Pinch me. ||
5:23 PM
Saturday, January 14, 2006
ditz head
feel so farking stupid. Like, what the hell was I waiting for?
now i feel like there's really no hope. T_T
I've been blogging soo much. Dont have much of a life.
Want to tell someone so many many many things..
oh. dub u tee eff. *knocks hollow head*
(yes, I'm sure you're thinking "wtf is she talking about? IS IT ME?!" )
watched Tristan and Isolde today.
Not very nice. I remember halfway thru the movie I was thinking "so?!".
It was supposed to be ROMANTIC.
I'm so immune to gore. Gosh, I was smiling while everyone was wincing and shutting their eyes. ah, what tame people. She was pissed because I looked at her with an arched eyebrow when a sword went through what's-his-name's-heart and she went *sucks in breath!*. Her mood was also affected by the movie. Wow, are girls supposed to be like that? *horrified*
Let me tell you something.
his arm got sliced off like it was JELLY!! *widens eyes!* XD
If I were isolde I'd just run away. I'd grab a sword from my evil father and slice everyone's head off. "hah! HERE'S FOR THE UGLY MEN YOU WANT ME TO FUCK!"
Mind you, I'll be as vulgar as I can when I'm unleashing the bloodiest killing spree of all time. I'll also be careful not to die because I'll meet them all in hell. ("oh, crap!")
It's like Tristan was the first guy who came along who was even VAGUELY handsome, (I'll admit he has a great bod. Lol) and was cut along the chest "oh my, what a great opportunity to prod and trace my fingers around him, what does he feel like *insert virgin thought*??".
Suddenly they fall in love, kiss, and start stripping! O_O (lol just as ron predicted "are they gonna kiss and have sex? *one second later* omg really man!!")
then there's all these camera angles with light and dark skin, first isolde is underneath and suddenly she's on top (wow!). "how do you feel?" "I don't know.. *kiss kiss*"
OMG seriously, when you're that deep into it you don't say you "don't know"!! *facepalm*
So they do it for a whole day and then he leaves, depressed and all.
And then blah blah blah, she is bethrothed and they have forbidden love, where basically all they do is get naked and into it. (then she goes home and does it with her hubby, dub u tee eff.)
blah blah blah "love is (blah)" "life without love is but an empty shell (blah)" "(more extracts from romantic novels) I see (something to do with you) and you (something to do with me)"
then with the help the village betrayer, her evil dad shows up, calls her a whore and restarts a war *fight fight fight* and someone falls dead and *cry cry cry* and the end.
Bloody chic flick.
The girls liked it.
The movie just proves that men are easily blinded by power. "How can you rule e kingdom when you can't even rule over your woman?!"
gosh I'm glad I was born in this century. I would've put an arrow right through his precious-s there and then.
"who's gonna rule over who now?! dickhead! dick-less head!!"
So sad, Isolde was like a blow up doll, fucked and thrown around.
What love?
|| Pinch me. ||
11:12 PM
yes, I finally got something to do tomorrow ^^ (sudden and unexpected heeez!)
for your enjoyment:
1. When u looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was behind you?
shadows. O_O
2. What's a word that rhymes with mist?
piss. or piss-t. LOl.
3. Favorite planet, which you would live at, if you could?
an earth with many white sandy beaches and clear turquiose water..
4. Who is the FIRST person you kissed?
you'd guess.
5. What kinda underwear are you wearing?
6. What do you think of yourself?
honestly, i don't want think of myself that much.
7. Night light or pitch black? Alone?
Pitch black, and dub-u-tee-eff?
8. What were you doing at midnight last night?
arhm. accounting ~_~
9. What did your last text message you received on your cell say?
10. What's a something that you say a lot?
{insert excited chatter}
11.Who told you they loved you last?
my dad. (yes, a bit anticlimatic)
12. Last furry thing you touched?
13. How Many Drugs Have You Done In The Past three Days?
alot. i'm always high I don't know.
14. Favorite age you have been so far?
18! perhaps. what i make it to be huh ^^
15. Your worst enemy?
16. What is your current desktop picture?
Kyo. Oni-something Kyo.
17. What was the last thing you said to someone?
"Obviously not."
18. How do you like your eggs?
boiled with rendang sauce.
19. Do you like someone?
20. The last song you listened to?
(don't laugh XD, title doesn't make sense.) Lonely in Gorgeous -- Tommy february6
New idea >> an underwear brand called "DUB U TEE EFF?"! XD
|| Pinch me. ||
1:11 AM
Friday, January 13, 2006
|| Pinch me. ||
9:39 PM
hey, beautiful you
You with the sparkly eyes.
You who blush at the sight of the wind.
You who..
wtf, trying to be romantic, Lol.
Say it in a British accent. Yeah, sehxy.
Look, I never knew you could just wake up and call ANYTHING sexy. Well, now I KNOW.
Hey you, the sexy one with the droopy eyelids!
"I'm too sexy for my shirt, too sexy for my pants, too sexy for my bra" *sings along*
So WHY in the world are multiple accounts SEXY, of all things? Well, here I have provided a few explainations.
1. Because they scare everything else away.
You know, when you see a sexy lady swaying (yes, swaying. that's what they do with their orbs. wherever. Yours truly will never master the swaying.) She scares all the other gals away into self-pity-olivion. Well, unless it's me. I'll just say "hot lady MAN!!". What can I do? Beauty should be appreciated.
Of course what I call sexy is very different from... dickheads.
Similarly, you get scared because you don't want to write too much. Thus you go into multiple accounts. Less repitition.
2. It's BIG.
Come on, big is better. No? Well that's what I've heard.
3. It's so hard to get.
yes, and that's why multiple accounts are seh~xy.
Another entry in the same post! Genius! =___=*
Since when was I "pok"?!
"nina pok!"
okay, that's the call of affection.
But what about "chi-pok!"?!
wtf. why~~ my lovely name....
To you:
Why you need a guy and I don't.
You whine so much it scares me. (and in the first place, it's not like I care)
You don't want to take the mail. You want your man to do so and you bear his babies.
You smile and act coy everytime you're near some type of male species "omg there's a male! Is my hair messy?" "It's a fugging LIZaRD for goodness sake!"
(I don't know the meaning of coy)
You use toothpicks to practice opening your eyes wide so you will NEVER EVER fall asleep in class, or while looking pretty.
You don't close your eyes in case your mascara runs.
You go to a ring store and try on engagement rings on the ring finger for fun.
You are ALREADY planning your wedding.
And honeymoon.
You already know what to wear on your first night. (or maybe you've already done it haha. In a tee. *shrugs*)
You CRY when he doesn't call.
If you said yes to any of the above... O_O man! That's so interesting! May I meet you??
My inner thought: I think it's more fun if you don't need to be with him, but you just want to.
But probably that's just me :)
To all my fellow singles: We're SOOO SEXY!
Note: I'm not writing this because I'm in love =_= I'm writing because I was having a discussion with someone. lol. And if you can give more stupid reasons, please leave a tag!
|| Pinch me. ||
12:44 AM
Thursday, January 12, 2006

EEEEveeeeel laughter
Shit you. I hope your fuckin' dick rots off.
Ahh, you're down to 18 months, you're scared, and you've changed your address.
"trouble finding ANY decent woman lately" WTF?!
"chatting to a few girls near me on the webcam" double-t-wtf?!
You, who spam a visual kei fan mailing list, say in our faces that IT'S SO HARD FINDING DECENT WOMEN?! GO FUCK YOURSELF!
To you decent women are those who have innocent looks and big titties, and have their legs spread open for you all the time.
And there's plenty of them! Where can you find them? At some crappy website ONLINE.
Yes. try decent women.
I hope your dick rots off. It decomposes and leaves a BIG WATERY MESS. And it STINKS. And it leaves pus-filled blisters.
and NEVER grows back.
and that you'll have a horrible burning pain in your balls everytime you think dirty.
And that you'll lose your fingers so you may never spam again !!! (other implications apply too)
|| Pinch me. ||
12:35 PM
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Found this nice webbie!
kakimoto arms
"Good things, must share.." as they say in broken english... :)
There’s no way to say it better!
Talking about GOOD THINGS...
Let's have a discussion (see, you guys should read this blog often =___=)
What are GOOD things?
Or let me narrow down to my FAVORITE topic! People! :D:D:D:D:D
GIRLS! (for this, let's talk about looks! HAHAHA)
DO'S AND DON'Ts (yes, nina is a little bimbotic today *bows*)
If you can't fit into your jeans, get a new pair. Don't squeeze your butt in and have half spilling out.
I take my own advice, that's why I need new jeans ... relatively often >_<
Don't tie your hair on one side with a plain rubber band and the other with TWO FLUFFY POM-POMS. If you head is already asymmetric, don't make it worse! *smacks head*
DON'T WEAR ILL FITTING BRA!!!! *screams in horror!*
If you wear silk tops (or sheer tops) PLEASE WEAR A FUGGIN BRA!!
*thinks* I'm not really an expert on critiquing girls, since my own style is questionable (I got a lace lined V neck! Hhahaaaa... Yes, I know you're soooo shocked -_-)
GUYS! (this is for the people in ... somewhereiknow)
(I know some girls like goatees, but.. haha.. not ME!)
Get the yeti's I see away~! *waves hand in cinderella fairy godmother-like fashion*
There's something called "guys can have nice hair too"
(well, who am I to talk about it lol)
Don't wear a tee that goes "my dad fucked my mother, and now there's me" with the color all faded and the words peeling off. IF YOU LIKE THAT ***** SHIRT SO MUCH THEN GET A NEW ONE!!!
this is for my brother: is it so HARD to wash your face everyday?! o.m.g.
that's it, I don't have much to say after all (oh, that's weird).
I have become bimbotified. I had a discussion in the computer lab about which makeup is the hardest to put on. She said eye makeup. I say foundation. How do you make it even?! then again, I've only used it twice in my entire life. yeah, for both proms someone did it for me.
It's so sad when I look through my wardrobe and see things that I can't wear anymore.. Like my big fluffy oversized yellow sweater... there's no friggin way I'm wearing that out. LOL. Advice to 18 year old and over ladies. Don't wear oversized things. You're way too old for that. It's time to become ladies, my friends! (some have started their process without me, that's fine, as long as we all end up okay and without surgery.)
. . .. . . . .
Okay, now I should get back to what I was REALLY doing -- trying to find out how to implement arrays. Yes I forgot, so?! *smack smack!*
jaa ne! I have many stories to tell everyone! In person. Hahaa.
|| Pinch me. ||
10:03 PM
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
what a day man!
I'm so tired I read friendster as "fuckster" +____+
but recently there's more perversefarkingassholeswithcucumbersuptheirasses, perhaps they have read it wrong too.
lamer! *smacks self*
I hate it when ppl use mailing lists to spam.
"From: somefaggotdickhead
To: visual-jrocking-kei@somemaillist.blah
It's been a total of 14 months sinced I last went out with that special woman. But now, I'm going out again! You can too! I just joined this faggotmakinglovesociety.com and they hooked me up instantly. Try it out! You can be going out too, just like me."
To: somefaggotdickhead
I don't care. If you didn't get a date for 14 months, then there must be something wrong with you. Maybe you look like a freak, or you fuck every girl you go out with. Or maybe you just stayed at home looking at your imaginary ex and start masterbating. Look, I don't care. You don't spam a mailing list. Esp my mailing list. I know you're some random person who's so bloody happy that you've got a date. But you know what? You're gonna miss your date. You know how I know? It's because you got so excited spamming mailing lists that you forgot your date was an hour ago. Tata, noone's gonna want you! Now go and cry. And STAY OFF MY MAILING LIST.
Yes, then you say, "well hey, I doubt you've been on a date for the last 14 months" Well, I have, I just didn't realize it was a date. I just thought it was "hanging out". Then I told Wie and he said "YOU NUT!! That was a date!!" O_O oh. So see. there you have it. lol.
(however I thought it was so bloody boring, and that I'm not going do that ever again)
My advice to all the lady's out there (maybe it's a bit too late or something) : don't go out with someone too old. Because the only reason why that someone is 15 years older than you is because he acts like a 12 year old. It's a waste of time.
I'd say maximum 3 years. why? Because at 4 years difference, they just act so "i'm greater than you" or they keep getting demoralized "omg..you're so young". Well, unless they are *ahem*stupidperverts*ahem*. Anyways it's just boring. You can't explore the world with them. Heck drink? They've done it. Party? Yes you'd bet they've done it. Been to more places than you have? yes they have. (of course there are some exceptions, I know my friend's parents are 9 years apart, etc)
It's so boring.
I'd rather someone that doesn't know anything *lol* or someone interesting, at least.
If you DO get a guy just because he's older, then, my friend, you may have fallen into a serious trap. Trust me.
(since I look older than I am, actually I don't have a problem. *chuckles*)
I digress.
i need concealer because I'm sleeping later and later... and my no longer youthful skin can't take it T_T
It's okay, dark rings save me on eyeshadow. I'm just too pretty to begin with.
I have one hmwk ques left. So I'll procrastinate a bit and explain my plans.
Just so when you come over and visit you won't faint of my beauty (or me faint of yours vice versa etc etc) (on msn rach will be slapping me) HAHAHa No we are all beautiful creatures!
It all started when I came to realize that.. despair is a sin. There's no point brooding over something. That's the root of sadness. Wanna know how I got that idea?
I saw this tree. It was so.. happy. You can see the tree too. It's the lone bushy tree you see when you face the road on campus parkway bay 2. The wind was whipping my hair around but hell, that was one heck of a happy tree. It's neighbour wasn't doing very well though. That skinny little thing was fighting for its life. I'm guessing more people would be attracted to the skinny tree. Just like how you're mesmerized by someone who fights so hard.
So.. what about the happy tree? It's a TREE for goodness sake! What the heck?
I just thought maybe I could be like that tree. If I never get pushed down, then I don't have to struggle.
All I have to do is look on the bright side, ne? :) after all there's two sides to every coin. While most people focus on the emptiness, I'll just have to bring them out! YAY!
SO then I decided to picture myself as another person. What would I want that person to do? If so, then maybe I can become that person. It's losing myself, in a way, but it's better.
One thing I'll never be is that I can never be the girl who makes friends with absolutely anybody. If I don't have a farking reason to talk to you, I won't.
ahh, digress.
WHAT's your favroite eyeshadow color?
I like green and yellow! or blue! pink's nice too! brown's nice but it just looks like what I look like now (ie, panda eyes). just more mysterious perhaps.
|| Pinch me. ||
10:49 PM
Monday, January 09, 2006
what's up!
What's down!
What's left!
What's right!
What's in the sky?
What's on the ground?
What's there?
What's here?
What's orange?
What's yellow?
What's in your hand?
What's on your feet?
What's in your face?
What's up your ass?
Secret greeting.
I am on a mission towards world domination.
Execution is still in its baby steps, but soon it will succeed O_O
|| Pinch me. ||
8:44 PM
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
the quick links
address bar.
type in B-L,
see what?
Bleach forums.
long ago before the invasion of posts and threads my address bar only knew of one place that started with B-L.
yet in the recent days there has been this horrid intruder that caused my address bar to recall not blogger, but bleachforums. Alas! Here had come the day when i had to remember how to spell the bloody website.
ahh sometimes I wonder .. if you go on forums alot, it's something like a chat session. Just slower. (therefore more people can participate)
And thus eventually, if you make yourself known enough, you being to find the forumers that you like forum-ing with. You begin to find people who have opinions that are worth your time, and therefore, they appear interesting to you, in not only their minds, but how they are as a person. The net can't seal a person's true personality forever. It leaks out. It happens in chats and in forums, basically anything that allows a person to give input on .. whatever. And thus over time there begins to be this kind of "close knit net community" with those whom you'd gladly share your time with, and eventually begin to treasure. Then you feel this sudden urge to go on the net and "meet" them, since they are "always there". As texts, you can read them over and over again. Unlike words spoken, which eventually fade away.
It's weird, huh.
However, I'm not the kind of freak I'm describing. I'm much more eloquent in person, being that I can churn out much more crap IRL than online.
hah! *in your face man~~!*
Unfortunately, my baka-ness has and will always leak out into everything that I type. =]
|| Pinch me. ||
9:11 PM
Monday, January 02, 2006
HAPPY 2006!
well, there's a few things I'd like to do... a bit too late to be doing new year's resolutions
SO I WILL DO new year's.... wish-i-can-do-and-probably-will-do list.
1. Make friends! It's a fresh new start with a junkie hair style! All I need to do is have some .. courage... *face down* Also to look good so I dont keep talking to.. people I don't like. LOL
2. Join some club! I've given up on the hip hop club because recently I've been listening to so much soundscape, i'm actually leaning towards classical music -OMG? You?!-.
So most likely I'll join some culture club like.... Chinese Student Association.. I've been avoiding my people for too long!
3. Well my ultimate goal is to form an asian film society. I think in film, American Asians are so under represented. Even if we are, we're just given stupid or stereotypical roles. So my goal is to show the world what wonderful film makers we are. LOL. well, at least show UW.
wanna know my REAL purpose?
Come on, all that fancy talk, coming from me? I just wanna watch ASIAN FILMS! =P maybe after I've exerted my powerful influence *hahahaha* I can bring in anime!! and form my own MANGA LIBRARY!! *HOAHAHAHAHA!!!*
4. And what comes every year: STUDY HARDER!
thinking about it, I only have a few years left of studying. 2 years for uni and about 2 or 3 years grad school. =___= STILL LONNNGGGG...
though maybe I won't make it to grad school..
5. GO TO mAGIC MOUNTAIN FOR SPRING BREAK!! Ahhh!! if anyone wants to go with me and is over 21 ( who the heck reads this blog at that age.. ) please help me book a hotel! =P
yeah.. that's it.
HAppy 2006!
|| Pinch me. ||
12:01 PM