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Wednesday, April 26, 2006
    =/ I guess I was just not cut out to be any leader huh.
    It was stupid of me to try, probably made a fool of myself in the end :)

    Never fear, for nina will try again! Yes, she's a bit dull, a bit toot, a bit too straightforward........

    Ah, she's one big blockhead.

    "why did you try anyways? you should have just gone for a lesser position! You know you're not cut out for it! I hope ********** gets the Chair."

    yeah, I dont have a large fan base. It was failure on my part :)

    From now on, I will be more pleasant :D

    When the time comes, maybe i'll try again? :)

    I just wasn't good enough. but I will be!! WATCH ME SUCKAS!!!
    I'll be sooooo good you'll be begging me to be a leader but i'll say "nope! Hope for you guys you fake ass pieces of shit!" HAHAH (actually ... i already know that i was fighting a losing cause. bah. after all the things i said? noone has a good impression of me anymore.)

    *chants* must be pleasant. very pleasant. smile!! then go home and cough blood.

|| Pinch me. || 10:49 AM

Sunday, April 23, 2006

    WAHHHH I really hope to get into business school!! X|

    here are the reasons why:
    1. I get to meet new people. *coughs*maybe some ... guys XD *coughs*
    2. I don't have to stay in the labs all the time :(
    3. I might find my potential shopping buddy!!! XD XD


    Okay here's something interesting! I went ice skating! Not because i wanted to, but because it was my friend's birthday. Overall the ice skating part was fun, because we played ice tag.

    But I've learnt much about her. Looks like it's not just me who thinks "she cares about herself too much". In fact, she "hasn't changed much" since high school.

    we waited 30mins in the cold for the bus, being sitting ducks just waiting to get mugged :`( because we didnt have a better plan

    *laughs* I bet if she reads this, which hopefully she wont, she'll go "oh i'm sorry, I feel really bad.."

    -_____- *FACEPALM!!!*

    i dont care about how you feel, in fact, I'm really sick of hearing people say things like "oh, I'm sorry" "oh, I'm so stupid" "oh I feel soooo bad" without even doing anything to change it. grrr.

    Lol, I really feel like bitching, but I think not. XD

    just never invited a more self centered person into my life. :|

    Which reminds me, I really need to learn to drive. Then, on my birthday someday i can take people around, or drive myself downtown to eat cheesecake XD

    The real cake. Not the person ;)

    Bah. Havent got anything to do this weekend except study. (But I actually like studying econs..... *puts on geeky glasses*)


|| Pinch me. || 11:21 AM

Thursday, April 20, 2006

    Oh look. It's lion king let loose!

    Today I attempted to blow dry my hair. Guess what I look like XD. Well forget the hair, remember children, it's all about the personality.

    Yeah. right.

    Eh ask you something.

    If good looking guys go for good looking girls, and geek guys go for good looking girls.............. dudettes, WHAT ABOUT US?? O_O

    I only go for shuai ge. hmprf. nina only wants to entertain her eyes. lol.

    Anyways, just to clear something up : I'm not cute, I'm COOL. AHHAHAHA. <-- bu yao lian.

    Next topic to hit nina's headlines!!!
    "I would never go for a girl in cse! All they talk about is homework!"

    OMG. HE said we all don't have a LIFE. I HAVE A LIFE!!! You! Shuddup! *slaps face one million times*

    So I went "that's not true! we do have lives!" then he looked at me. Then I realized that ... maybe i'm the only one that has a NON CSE LIFE?!?!??! So I took that statement back. I'm not going to tell you what I do in the weekends you sick stereotypical butthead!


    I suddenly know why I don't have a shopping/go-out buddy!!! It's because they're always stuck at home doing geeky stuff!! *screams*!!! But that's not true!! We do have lives! We have to have lives!

    ....<-- overreacts sometimes.

    I tell you man, some people just don't see the jewel in their department. I'm sad for them. Then again, I doubt I want a guy in CSE either. lol. It's just.. I don't like having a boyfriend in the same class XD.

    Then again. Nina only goes for hot guys! HAHHAA. Maybe I'll just go to abercrombie and jio the guys there.

    yeah, then be banned from the store for 50 years. NOOOOO!!!

|| Pinch me. || 9:24 AM

Sunday, April 09, 2006

    I'm so easily irritated by my dad.

    I feel that he's not supposed to look up my grades. Remind me to close the browser window whenever he's looking at the computer. I get irritated when he comes around asking me what happened. It's like, look I know you're shocked and all, but I already took care of it.

    The funny thing is that I'm irritated because HE FREAKING ACTS LIKE ME. Or rather, I act like him. I paniced when I saw that I flunked my first assignment. So I frantically emailed my TA. Then I haven't heard a response since. However, when my dad sees my grades, he panics. And he frantically asks freakin ME what happened. Like, HOW THE *%&$^& SHOULD I KNOW?!

    The worst thing is that I have to explain everything to him in a NICE PATIENT voice. "be patient with your dad!"

    and he keeps asking.

    and asking.

    until he finally gets the gist that I have freakin no idea. And THAT is only if I speak to him nicely. Or he'll ask me why I'm so irritated with him. *deadpan stare*

    =___=. parents. If they're still looking over your shoulders in the 3rd year of university (soon to be 4th) then they get so irritating.

|| Pinch me. || 8:06 PM

Monday, April 03, 2006

    Hey hey! My friend asked me what can I come up with by myself, and I came up with this!! haha, yeah I know, it's not about myself at all... :P

    My ups, my dumps, my lovely high heeled pumps

    Yes, look at my shoes. Those stiletto killers shown to seriously injure anyone who dares to walk the path beside me, behind me, over, or even in front of me. As I walk by, ladies around me drop their shopping bags in pure awe as they race after me in slow motion. Then I turn and unleash the mega bright smile of mine. Too bad my teeth are too reflective; the sun’s rays shine directly into their eyes. Blinded, they fall down, chanting my name in wonder, as I too, crash to the ground while my heel snaps off over a sewer cap.

    I fear stilettos. How people can balance on them, I have no idea. Put me on one of those and suddenly, I will fear heights. Models are people I look up to and never want to become, contrary to some other girls. I gave up the hope long ago when I found out one fine day that I no longer grew taller, but wider. But my height has not stopped me from going to greater heights. I have, believe it or not, conquered the famed Mount Everest. Yes, I happened to live on the 3rd floor of that condominium!

    High heels however, have taught me many things in life, and have also made me what I am today. “Preposterous!” I hear you say.

    “People teach you things, history teaches you things, life teaches you things! Shoes do not!”

    Aye captain, so you say you know it all? Have you ever hear the saying that one cannot learn to run if he has yet to learn to crawl? Try running on heels! There is a very important lesson here. It takes a heel to break us all. Remember that. Every time you can’t catch the bus or you can’t make it to your classes on time, remember that good shoes can take you there. Just look, olympic runners have much better shoes than college students, and there they go, flaunting their gold medals in front of us. *tsk tsk.* So remember everyone, a heel can break us all.

    That aside, I am easily bribed. Promise me a good meal at the Cheesecake Factory and I will gladly wear stilettos. For about ten minutes.

|| Pinch me. || 6:43 PM

Sunday, April 02, 2006


    Singlish Nina defines it as: English with added vocabulary of Chinese, Malay, Hokkein, and some badly paired English words *for example, talk cock* whereby the person speaking it sounds like an Indian hybrid.

    Through Singlish it is apparent that the main inhibitants of said tiny island are of Chinese (mostly Hokkein, or some who just like to speak Hokkein) and Malay, and said Indian!

    Nina should slack no more!

|| Pinch me. || 3:31 PM

"being flabby is so embaressing!"

[ see ]
superheros like you and me

[ hear ]
danceble music
christina aguilera "make a bad comment about her voice and may you suffer from strep throat forever"

[ touch ]
adopt your own virtual pet!

adopt your own virtual pet!

adopt your own virtual pet!

skin credits!!
Rachel did the banner!! Thanks! :))

[blogger] [blogskins] [Caryn] [Rachel] [Lydia] [Fiona] [Sara] [the snowy freak. *ducks flying hammer*] [Team Blog] [Edwin] [JiaZhao] [a super cool layout ^^] [Lee] [Charlotte or somthin..] [Jessica] [Owen] [Kathie] [Arina]

[ disclaimer ]
any resemblance to the animated pet-like-things above to any person dead or alive is purely coincidental and an act of God, for it was not me who made them (person or pet) look that way. In any case, the author of this blog meant it as a joke and perhaps a sign of twisted affection. The author is also a bigot who talks in third person. *shrugs*
more coming soon when more than 5 people read this blog.

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