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Tuesday, August 15, 2006

    how I spend my days

    The day starts with me crawling out of bed at an ungodly early hour of 10am. Then comes the face wash. I squeeze my chubby figure into my swimsuit and jiggle my fats down to the pool where it's proved that water is denser than me. Actually is oil denser than water or water denser than oil?? I know oil floats on top so is that more or less dense?? <-- B3 for O level chem. dammit.

    I dont feel very good if I dont move my body in the morning. O-o

    Dont you think it's funny when you do to the gym everyday and then suddenly stop going you feel really gross but then you get used to it and never go again?

    Yeap. that's exactly what happened.

    Now I need a car for 100 metres.

    OH!!! One day Caryn dragged me out of bed to go to AHS. So I ran after the bus. I ran AS FAST AS THE BUS. LOL. yeah but it was pulling out of a stoplight so it was about 5-10km/h. My glorious moment lasted for about 0.5 seconds. And guess what? Caryn was late anyways. =_=

    AHS is totally different now. It looks more primary school than last time. Remember the old sec 4 block? It's white (they tore it down and named the new building whatever the old one was called) and the center with stone tables are gone.

    I asked Mrs Lai where the staff room was. She said "oh, you must be that batch".

    That batch.

    We're that special. hah.

    Remember where we drenched Joy? It's gone. They took the palm trees and the stone tables away.

    Now it's a patch of grass. Sparsely lined with some heavily manicured bushs.

    You cant even hide and pee anywhere!


    Tomorrow's another day with my grandma. It's not that I dont like/love her, it's just that I'm indifferent to her.
    Yeap. that's kinda sick.


|| Pinch me. || 9:38 AM

"being flabby is so embaressing!"

[ see ]
superheros like you and me

[ hear ]
danceble music
christina aguilera "make a bad comment about her voice and may you suffer from strep throat forever"

[ touch ]
adopt your own virtual pet!

adopt your own virtual pet!

adopt your own virtual pet!

skin credits!!
Rachel did the banner!! Thanks! :))

[blogger] [blogskins] [Caryn] [Rachel] [Lydia] [Fiona] [Sara] [the snowy freak. *ducks flying hammer*] [Team Blog] [Edwin] [JiaZhao] [a super cool layout ^^] [Lee] [Charlotte or somthin..] [Jessica] [Owen] [Kathie] [Arina]

[ disclaimer ]
any resemblance to the animated pet-like-things above to any person dead or alive is purely coincidental and an act of God, for it was not me who made them (person or pet) look that way. In any case, the author of this blog meant it as a joke and perhaps a sign of twisted affection. The author is also a bigot who talks in third person. *shrugs*
more coming soon when more than 5 people read this blog.

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