Sunday, October 29, 2006
is my blog dead?
Considering that I visit my friends' blogs every 10 minutes, yes, mine is comparatively dead. I should at least have the decency of filling out this blank space before I go off and read yours, right?
Unfortunately many of my mundane issues are not worth your attention. Or the world's.
What should I tell you?
That I've been trying to study but I'm really just daydreaming my life away?
Yesterday I went to the Indonesian club "election" party of some sorts. To tell you the truth, the only reason I went was to see one person. But that person was too busy for me anyways lol. But we still managed to exchange a few words and look ugly together in pictures.
Anyways, it was a fruitless attempt at widening my network, because I don't seem to grasp the language very well in chaotic situations.
I didn't know what to do; I was out of place; I don't remember half the people who remember me; Oh nos!
Plus, I was depressed. I lost my football tickets T_T; anyways we lost AGAIN and therefore gave me enough reason to want to shut up and cry. :(
ooooo WHY do indonesians have such NICE SHOES!!! XD
AH!! My book beckons! X{
|| Pinch me. ||
8:44 PM
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Yesterday I shopped at Banana Republic!! The clothes look very plain BUT THE CUT IS FANTASTIC!! Droolssss.
I got a skirt and a turtleneck which I am going to exchange because it's not in my size or color lol. There wont be any more time after the football game so .. guess I'll have to wait before I can get my hands on those yummies :)
I also trooped over with my brother to watch a movie at a friend's place. We rented a projector, screen and all, then we watched "Click". I must admit, prior ro the movie I was very skeptical. I mean, Adam Sandler? Since when did he do a nice movie?
Okay, so it was interesting enough for me to sit through it, which is not unusual. But what got me was that I was speechless at the end of the movie. My heart felt light and adrenaline was running through my veins. So listen clear: Click is pretty good. Not say The Departed good or V for Vendetta good, but good family valued fun. Though I really don't recommend it for kids, there's some adult humor.
Anyways, we then went over to Denny's for supper/breakfast, waited one hour for the food (WTF) and then headed home. Where I was greeted by my fuming parents "DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS??!!!?!"
*sigh* You thought I was all grown up? :D
My fortune cookie said "This coming Friday will be an exciting time for you" Apparently it really wasn't.
|| Pinch me. ||
12:51 PM
Sunday, October 22, 2006
why didn't anyone tell me?
That death cab for cutie is actually quite nice to listen to.
That Marie Antoniette is the most boring movie ever, be it history or not.
That there was a leadership program open for transferring juniors EARLIER when I actually WAS one.
That my arm hair is getting LONGER and LONGER *faints*
"I'm still holding on to wishes that you left behind."
That proactiv is a SCAM; they never send you the product after they've made you $50 poorer.
I've learnt that I never watch romantic comedies (in cinemas) unless someone tells me to go watch it with them. =/
|| Pinch me. ||
2:37 PM
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Today the Huskies lost.
They fought well; I'm proud of them XD.
Yesterday I went to see The Departed. GOOD MOVIE! :D
Except that the story line is almost exactly the same as the hongkong movie Internal Affairs. Think of it as the white version of a the HK movie.
Thought Leonardo Di Caprio's character was pretty hot XD
|| Pinch me. ||
4:25 PM
Friday, October 20, 2006
What's DBL O??
Today I finished doing my website!! I did it during my lunch break of two hours *sweat drop*
See here! MY HOMEWORK.
Oh yes, the layout's kinda like this blog. When the grader finishes grading it then I'll add some more cool stuff to it. Just didn't have enough time XD.
K well, I have to think of what to do tomorrow since I don't have a party to go to like some people.
I have a midnight curfew. =( must learn how to drive.... then I can go out and then drive home, right? :D
Well since I don't have anything lined up for the weekend, I'll probably just go watch a movie and study for my midterms.
Getting nerdy and slightly depressed.
|| Pinch me. ||
12:38 AM
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
things I desperately need to do
Fill up my resume.
Buy pants. Working pants.
I'm still in a daze. I can't believe I finished my homework. I feel like I didn't really do anything at all. =___=
Like I don't feel fit to teach anyone. *sigh* sometimes I really wonder if I'm just a sponge. =(
Like that how to work arh? Later kenna bully.
Today he talked to me first XD Suddenly I feel like, yeah, this guy, he can really be my friend!!
After I maluated myself by falling asleep in my accounting class, I feel strangely calm.
Maybe fate really exists to bring us together.
I'm in the same class and had so many chances to talk to him, but I didn't. I know his name, but not because I asked him. And he had to wear a nice shirt. DAMN.
And fate also has it that I don't regard anyone in my 50/55 class of guys truly MEN.
There was a certain someone who I felt like kicking in the nuts. It's not good to cuss. It totally ruins a first impression.
|| Pinch me. ||
10:20 PM
It's SOOO funny! XD
|| Pinch me. ||
3:02 AM
I want to be popular like her.
I want to be tall like her.
I want to have legs like her.
I want to have 50973486354 friends like her.
I want to drink without getting red, like her.
I want to look good in pictures like her.
I want to have nice skin like her.
I want to know how to put on makeup like her.
No, I'm not like her.
I don't get asked out all the time. I don't get calls every night. I don't have a bottle of vodka next to my bed.
I've waited for so long to be 18. I've lied. I haven't drunk in my whole life. Except for beer, peach schnapps and vodka. And margarita. Oooo I love margaritas. Yeah, but that's besides the point.
I've never had A DRINK. You know, those kinds of things in cute little glasses and all...
I've never worn "clubbing" clothes out for a night's party. I've never worn glitter on my face (and looked good). I've never been to a party where I could actually dance. Well, save for one at a conference.
I like to dance. That's 'bout the only thing I want to do in a party. I just want the lights to be low and the music to be loud. Where you have to shout each other's name and you laugh like crazy and shove each other around to get their attention.
So.. why is it that I don't go to these parties?
Well, first and foremost, I've never been asked to go to these parties. I can't drive and noone wants to take me home. Yes, it's SO EMBARESSING.
The other reason is that I don't want my parents to see. I don't want to come home and let my parents see me lying passed out on the floor. Wearing nothing but a piece of string. Heck, I wouldn't know!
Rachel, you should have gone clubbing with me, dammit! ME ME ME!!!!*jumps up and down like a bunny* XD
"pick me! pick me!"
|| Pinch me. ||
1:42 AM
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Who are you to make my cheeks turn red
to make my mind go wild
to make me smile
Who are you?
to make me feel insecure
to make me always caught unaware?
Shit, who are you?
to invade my thoughts and still be there
even though I know you walked out the door 153768912000 seconds ago
That's probably how a person so smitten by a complete stranger must feel.
The odd thing is that I totally understand, because all along I've been in love with my own illusion of prince charming.
Who am I?
"Someone too carefree to have been attached."
It must be really obvious that I'm single HUAHAHAHA.
|| Pinch me. ||
1:39 PM
somewhere in the back of my head
I'd like to thank you.
Thank you for talking to me today.
Thank you for smiling at me.
Thank you for confiding in me.
Thank you for laughing with/at me.
And thank you for letting me into your life.
Sometimes I think that I'm probably the proudest person around. Not proud of myself, but rather, I see my friends all brimming with glory.
I go around telling everyone, "hey you know?? that's my friend!" Even though I'm not entirely sure if I am your friend.
I'm so proud of that person in law school ;). I'm so proud of my friend who stood up for herself and fought for her dreams. I'm so proud of my friend who was brave enough to endure life when she could have chosen the end.
And there's also many other things. There's a friend who loves nature so much. There's another who is an avid volunteer.... There's another who is an athelete.. Heck, I'm proud of them all!
It's through them that I see that there's so much in life to learn. I don't want those relationships to ever end.
I'd like to thank someone else. Someone that I see from time to time. Thank you for sharing with me your *ahem* lol, and thank you for letting me hear your mom's voice. Thanks for trusting me to tell you things, and thanks for coming back in the middle of the night.
Perhaps it's something you do by pure coincidence or maybe it's just because I happened to be there.
I wish I could have that charisma. It's probably what draws people close to you.
Fiona said "can you picture marrying that person?"
I thought that was plain gross. I've never thought so far in my life.
And then rachel went to college. And she could.
I guess when you find someone, your brain automatically plugs 'him' into the function --> Me + HIM = HAPPY, when it used to be just --> ME = HAPPY
And after the 'him' ruined your life by walking out,
--> ME = HAPPY - HIM
--> ME = APPY - IM
--> ME = IM UB(er) SAPPY
--> ME = IM UBER STUPID!!! *cry cry cry~~~*
lol. Yeah, just rambling.
|| Pinch me. ||
1:16 AM
Sunday, October 15, 2006
o-o-o-o-o-o-ohhhh MY!!
Bath and Body Works winter collection is SOOOO nice!! *swoons!*
I like the twisted peppermint!!
The caramel corn tote looks SO CUTE! But I wouldnt want to walk around smelling something that I like to eat XD.
They must be so pleased to have a customer like me XD
They even have nice shimmering wands :O
Went to a party on Friday, the first party of the quarter. We just gathered around and play games, had alot of fun. Met a few cool new people :)
I don't know how "real" parties are supposed to feel like. My parties are never like in the movies where everyone gets drunk and rowdy etc etc.. Weird huh? It seems like I've never even experienced college life even though I'm a senior.
Yesterday the football team lost. After that I didn't have any energy left to do anything except mull over the game. T_T WE WERE DOING SO WELL!!!
It was funny to see someone I know on the team. Well, someone that doesn't know I exist lol. The funny thing is that we have each other's number. What for?? For show?
Thinking about it, I have alot of people in my phone book that I dont keep in contact with. Even started deleting some off XD
Me: "He's really big, huh!"
B: "Well, yeah!"
Tried on my dress yesterday, and I realized my shoes don't really match =/
I think I need GOLD SHOES!!! :O
|| Pinch me. ||
1:11 PM
Friday, October 13, 2006
and she made a mad dash blogthings
You Are Apple Green |
 You are almost super-humanly upbeat. You have a very positive energy that surrounds you. And while you are happy go lucky, you're also charmingly assertive. You get what you want, even if you have to persuade those against you to see things your way. Reflective and thoughtful, you know yourself well - and you know that you want out of life. |
looky! I contradicted myself!
You Are Root Beer |
 Ultra sweet and innocent, you have a subtle complexity behind your sugary front. Children love you, but so do high end snobs... when you're brewed right.
Your best soda compatibility match: Dr. Pepper
Stay away from: Diet Coke |
sooo... I'm supposed to stay away from Diet Coke, my best match? --see below for details on what I got before--
|| Pinch me. ||
3:21 PM
Monday, October 09, 2006
Before I commit my soul to homework, there is something of utmost importance in my life that I must must must come to tell you about.
I'm confused.
Mostly by my own actions, of which I have absolutely no reason to be confused about.
Do I really not have a life? Or do I just have a life that does not allow me to continually meet new people?
Do people view as weird as I view myself? And why is it only now that I realize that I'm weird?
Can you believe it? Suddenly I respect those who admit that they are attention seeking. They have every right to be attention seeking. And for what do we fear them? I want to be attention seeking. Hear me roar: I CRAVE ATTENTION.
I'm sure loads of people do too. Now I'm not talking about "oh, bow down to nina, here she comes!!" kind of attention. Just the normal "hey, how are you?" kind of attention. The kind that makes people happy to be around you. What's that word that describes people like this? Oh yes. Charismatic.
Imagine the nina you know now. Imagine her with more charisma. Now, wouldn't life be so much better?
I just want to spend time with people to get to know them a little, like what they did or something interesting... something that makes me connect with them, even just for a minute, or even a second, and I want to do it everyday.
We all have potential to be friends. I don't want to be just "in her class".
I want to be able to laugh with you.
I miss them. Kinda, I really do.
|| Pinch me. ||
9:53 PM
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Facebook is the place to inform the world who you added, who you tagged, and what you changed on the webpage even if you only went there to correct a grammatical error in your profile.
What happened to scooping the dirt other people in the dark? What happened to looking up the page of your secret beau everytime you feel the need to? WHy? Why are you slowly taking the world away from secrecy??
Don't do that. I like my world mysterious. It's romantic. In the past I would have liked to think that there's some hot guy(anything less than hot would be plain freaky, and that defeats the whole romanticism) who is silently looking after me; but suddenly with this new feature, I now know that such a guy does not exist. Facebook (or freindster actually) slaps me with a list that says to me "What kinda bull crap is that? SEE? SEE? What guy?" I scan the list. THERE'S NO ONE ON IT.
So forget the hot guy. Even my friends have foresaken me.
Facebook totally dashed my dreams.
|| Pinch me. ||
6:37 PM
Friday, October 06, 2006
reading my own blog
I sound like shitzo. Like some teenager on crack or something.
Please tell me how to sound more mature.
Can you believe it? Everyone's turning 20. Or 21.
I listened to one of my lectures describing disembodied human parts, and suddenly, I realized that I'm not the only freak in the world. :O
Enlightenment is very entertaining.
|| Pinch me. ||
1:20 AM
I justed watched a commercial on genital herpes. It got me thinking.
omg it got her thinking O_o
What if you save your first for that one special guy, then you wake up the next day with sores? Then it really doesnt matter how nice he looks when he's sleeping or how good he smells or how warm he is next to you... it's more like "WTF?! YOU DID THIS TO ME YOU @%^$@^%$@!!!! S.O.B!! WHO DID YOU SCREW WITH!!?!!"
Then it also got me thinking. again. If sex is so free in USA, then USA must be the land of VD. O_o. gosh, that's really comforting.
I'll never look at another person the same again.
|| Pinch me. ||
12:58 AM
Monday, October 02, 2006
My plan of knowing 1 new person everyday has been put into action!! Today I got to know ... 6 people!! Enough for the whole week!! IYAEEYAAA OOOOO~~!!
But!!!! My friends! I have failed to keep my feminine, mysterious demure and well, unintentionally exposed my uncouth and brash personality. O_O!
It's like a beautiful person wearing designer jeans only to bend down to sit and FLASH her butt crack ( with a pimple on top! try that!) in the unwitting and unwilling victim's face. Thus behold a very short but life changing experience!! Like a bus slamming into your face!! You are then doomed to ETERNAL VISUALS OF SAID BUTT CRACK!!! WITH A PIMPLE ON TOP!!!
( How to deal with enemies tip #1096: curse people who offend you to witness such a scene. Even better, may they be doomed to butt acne. O_o HUAHHAHAHAH!!)
Now tell me, how can this situation be salvaged from it's murky depths of grotesqueness? I figured it was grotesque-city but the dictionary said otherwise. *sighs*
My reputation is beyond repair anyways, even though my looks aren't. XD
I do not mean to say that today I did indeed flash my beloved butt crack in said victim's face, nor do I mean to say that I was the beauty in designer jeans. Metaphors. Just thought to try being fancy. XD
My heart broke today as my phone touched down upon the gravel... The indents scar her surface. :(
|| Pinch me. ||
9:11 PM