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Tuesday, November 28, 2006



|| Pinch me. || 12:19 AM

Saturday, November 25, 2006

    I was happy

    I was happy just sitting at home watching the trees sway.

    I was happy sitting at the desktop playing MMORPGs

    Singing in my closet

    laying on my bed daydreaming.

    listening to the sea

    listening to the wind

    I used to go out whenever I wanted. Go downstairs,to the hawker center...

    But I cant here.

    I need to be brave. I need to accept the changes.

    I need to try. Because...

    it probably will be very beautiful.

    One night I bought a frozen mocha from Coffee Bean and walked down the path at East Coast Park.

    Didn't really know why; probably just did it to past time.

    The wind blew through my hair. It tasted like salt.

    I just walked.

    and walked.

    That's when I decided that one day...

    maybe when I'm all wrinkled, old, and hobbly,

    I want to walk there again.

|| Pinch me. || 11:20 PM


    I saw graduation schedule.
    Then I checked my classes.

    Then I realized that I would have to take summer if I want to graduate in 2008.

    But I want to do internships in both of my summers.

    Which means I wont be able to go back to SG for at least two years (damn I left my Zara backless there *curses*).

    But if I do internships during my summer, I have to takes more classes during the school year. And since I want good grades, I'll have to study more.

    But I also want to be more involved in some activities.

    So.. I'll have to work really hard, have very little sleep, and have no social life whatsoever.

    And hopefully not fall sick.

    God, please help me through this.

    I hate the butterfly feeling in my gut.

    Quote Caryn "也突然好想他..."

|| Pinch me. || 10:44 PM


    I didn't really have much of it; spent the morning in the lab finishing up my programming, which still has plenty of bugs.

    But I dont care since I'm supposed to be enjoying my holidays!!!! It's the last one before the final 2 week stretch!!!

    Gosh the best Christmas present I would have is good grades. Seriously.

    For thanksgiving dinner we decided to get precooked chicken from the supermarket instead of turkey. Because no one knows how to cook good turkey! And a pie. Which tasted really bad. We should have baked our own but I had to be stuck in the lab...

    Well it felt like a normal family dinner; mainly because much of our family is down in California or up in Canada, so it was really only the four of us.

    We didn't really say thanks or anything. But what I'm really thankful for is:
    1. My family
    2. My friends
    3. My current living condition.

    I'm not poor or anything, and I get to eat whatever I want, so I'm very thankful for that.

    Really pressured to go out and start working and bringing in the big bucks, but at the same time.. surely life is more than money! Yet without money, life is a struggle..

    Anyways! Here's my wishlist! I WANT TO GO TO DISNEY WORLD WITH MY SG FRIENDS!!! Aiyah you know who you are lah. :/

    And I want to go on a roadtrip too. Maybe even a eurotrip O_o. We must do this while we are still young!!

    To do:
    1. clean up my room.
    2. go to the supermarket.
    3. think of something for my oral presentation..

|| Pinch me. || 11:36 AM

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

    gah. microsoft will never hire me T_T
    I can't program!!! :(

    As I look at all my CURRENTLY ATTACHED friends, I find how undesired I am. Oh wells, sometimes it's fun not getting any (unwanted) attention.

    Ah I see Rachel has signed online!!

|| Pinch me. || 8:46 PM

Friday, November 17, 2006

    check this loser out

    Okay, so he's ABC.
    Why did he end up going to AUSTRALIA instead of coming home to the States?

    From what I know, this guys spent more of his life growing up in Singapore. Like me. He didn't have much basis to compare American life and Singaporean life in the first place. Second, he did not state that he WENT BACK to his beloved Motherland. WHY AUSTRALIA?

    One would think, of course, that if you were born with an American citizenship that you would come back for its EDUCATION, because people are more likely to be wowed with an American degree.

    (ASSUMING you don't come from a crappy school)

    And WHY didn't he just go to SAS (Singapore AMERICAN SCHOOL)? Since he's so opposed to the way his schools do things?

    Hey, MY SCHOOLS never MISPRINTED my birthplace as being Singapore, which gives me a reason to believe that this guy's second citizenship is Singapore. His parents live there. This guy's not a greencard. He's an American born SINGAPOREAN.

    I was made to sing the Anthem too. BUT I DIDNT UNDERSTAND THE ****ING WORDS. SO really, at that age, I was just trying to stay out of trouble. And his mom told him that he was American. SO WHAT? MY mom said that too! But she also said "Well, this is Singapore, not the States."

    NS? Why didn't he just opt out like my brother did? If you hate Singapore so much, then I'm sure you wouldn't mind giving up your right to stay there!

    I mean seriously, what basis does he have to slam Singapore like that?

    Singapore has her reasons for forcing PRs to do NS. If I were king of a country that small (where a significant amount of people are PRs) hell yeah I'd do that too!

    You can't compare such a small country to something like "AMERICA". ONE air strike will kill Singapore. ONE air strike will damage one(part of a) city in the States.

    If you love where you're from so much, then just go back to where you bloody hell came from! If I were a PR from a war torn country like Iraq or something, then hell yeah, I'd rather stay and do NS in Singapore. I wouldn't like it; I'd bitch about it; but I'd still do it.

    I'm not Singaporean in the least. Okay, I admit it. But I grew up in Singapore. I have friends in Singapore. I have memories in Singapore. And therefore I feel that Singapore is somewhat my home.

    At least there's one guy who agrees with me. Forgive me for taking this out, but I just have to share:

    " Anonymous said...

    I chanced upon your blog through, my daily reading diet.

    I have no comments on your vitriolic harangue re the way our government goes about governing a small, resource poor little red dot, but I take issue with your diatribe about your primary schooling and your stint in national service.

    To begin with, your parents may have never told you the off repeated but useful proverb, that is "when in Rome, do as the Romans Do". If you are in a government funded school, you should do what all your fellow students are doing, ie sing the national anthem of your host country. If you don't like it and if your parents can afford it, you are always free to attend an international school, where you can sing whatever country's national anthem you damn well please. It is very obvious to me that an ingrate like you, with your dad having a job here and putting food on the table, will not be welcomed in any country because you are so nitty picky as to not even want to sing the national anthem of your host country what more to expect you to really perform your national service assiduously to protect the very institutions and security which allowed buggers like you a safe haven from which to make a living and whine about frivolous things.

    I am happy that so-called "foreign talents" like your family is packing up and disappearing back to the crime infested "land of the free" Back from where you came from, if I am not mistaken, they call chinese, Chinks. At least, here, you are Singaporeans, whatever your race. I know, I have lived in your supposedly "Land of the Free" and your sentiments about Singapore are exactly the same as how I feel about where you came from.

    A damn good journalist, you say you wanna be? I seriously doubt about the "damn good" part because you have a very very heavy chip on your shoulders that will impede your objectivity as a "damn good" journalist.
    2:09 PM"

|| Pinch me. || 12:31 PM

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

    for once this is rachel's fault

    Grr. crazy woman.

    Four things not many people know about me:
    1. I'm sick. (no, like literally, eyes and nose running and throat horrible.)
    2. I was ugly as a baby. (uglier than now, anyways)
    3. I alter my own jeans. I will try not to do that again.
    4. I have never been drinking.

    Four movies I could watch over and over:
    1. Spirited Away
    2. Too beautiful to lie (Korean movie)
    3. Anastasia
    4. ( i don't watch alot of movies)

    Four places I've lived:
    1. Fremont
    2. East Coast (singapore)
    3. East Coast (one block away from previous house)
    4. Seattle

    Four TV shows I love to watch:
    1. Iron Chef
    2. Avatar
    3. Myth busters
    4. America's Next Top Model

    Four of my favourite foods:
    1. Porridge*
    2. Mashed potatoes*
    3. Souppppp*
    4. warm lemon honey water.... *subject to change. Hopefully soon.

    Four places I would rather be:
    1. In bed
    2. In a warmer place
    3. In a healthier body
    4. In my bedroom

    Four favourite songs:
    1. Beautiful love -- the Afters
    2. Soul meets body - Death Cab for Cutie
    3. I'll be there for you!!!
    4. Lady marmelade XD

    Four person I tag:


|| Pinch me. || 8:45 PM

    I finished my project!!

    Thanks to my lovely lovely partner who spent $30 (he told me "not to worry 'bout it" O_o) in printing expensees, it came out perfect!! There was one flaw though, I hope the instructor doesn't notice it.

    And the font didnt come out because the printing shop didnt have it. =(

    Other than that, it came out pretty girly.

    Made my partner too maulated to hand it in.

    But I have a programming assignment due in 5 hours. grr. I just want to go home and sleep.

    Yesterday I told myself that maybe tomorrow I'll meet.... ( I didn't fill in the blank)

    Today! I thought "hm... I havent seen XXXXX in a while!"

    And while I was struggling with my umbrella and trying to get the door open at the same time, mr XXXXX suddenly appeared on the other side of the door and opened it! "what are you doing?"

    me, very very dazed (also thinking my 6th sense was pretty powerful) "... the wind was sooo strong!"

    He laughed. Just like in NSCC. XD Teddy bear. That's what I used to call him.

    I hardly get to talk to people like last time.

    I feel like I didn't fully grasp the meaning of friendship before.

    But somehow... they're only a call away. :)

|| Pinch me. || 4:45 PM

Sunday, November 12, 2006


    AH, this computer doesn't have PUBLISHER!!!

    Came to school for nothing.

    Anyways, yesterday I tried my hand again at making cheesecakes!

    It didn't drop, thank GOD!

    Besides, this time my brother did all the work, reaffirming that he is the better cook.

    Recently out of depression (no, more like sheer boredom) I have been clogging my arteries up with cheesecake. Ahhh heavenly cheesecake... in a sense it does kinda bring you a little closer to heaven O_o


    I look around, hoping it's you that I've found, but nooooo...
    This is all futile. You're way beyond my grasp. :)


    Current song stuck in my head: I will follow you~~~ follow you whereever you will go!!

    Ah yes, I realized a funny habit I have now. I smile to myself very often. People think when I smile to myself it's because I'm in love or something.

    When I'm in love I will do much more than smile, trust me LOL.

    I smile because your face is darn funny but I dont have the heart to tell you HUAHAHHA!!! XD (crap, I'm so evil)

    Yeah, that's basically why.

|| Pinch me. || 1:21 PM

Saturday, November 11, 2006


    That company didn't want me. I got rejected in two days. sigh.

    I lost my football tickets. The game is not televised. sigh.

    Yesterday I baked my first cheesecake. It dropped when I took it out of the oven. Then I spent 2 hours cleaning the oven. *sigh*

    Today I have lots of work to do *sigh*

    but yesterday was fun though! We played Taboo! I like Taboo!


    In retrospect, it's kinda sad that we're never going to get close.


|| Pinch me. || 1:51 PM

Friday, November 10, 2006


    It's the start of the Veteran's Day weekend!

    But I have tons of homework haha.

    So I basically will have no weekend.

    Currently I like to listen to the following artists!

    The Afters
    John Legend

    That's it!

|| Pinch me. || 11:57 AM

Thursday, November 09, 2006


    Let me tell you how good my socks are. I never knew the difference between branded socks and ones you get for $3 for 10.

    Recently I bought socks from Banana Republic.

    *are you mad?*

    yes, apparently I was.

    And let me tell you something -- they have changed my life.

    I bought them knee high and they've been in the wash four times. They NEVER slip down my leg, they never need to be brushed because they don't come out with little balls of fur when you pull them out of the dryer; they dont static you when you pull them on; they dont wrinkle, EVER; and they keep you warm even though they are so thin; they are smooth wearing, much better than my $2 stockings that feel funny when you wear them.

    Let me tell you: they changed my life. I'm going to get BR socks for everyone on Christmas. lol.

|| Pinch me. || 1:45 PM

    You're just dying to know how my interview went.

    Yes, yes; you are, trust me.

    There might have been a potential connection!

    But I wasn't exactly the most insightful person to talk to. HAHAHAAAA....

    And what really got me is that I spent 45 minutes discussing a question. Aren't you supposed to market yourself to the interviewer? :/

    Unfortunately I think she left with barely a glimpse of me. Because maybe one look is enough.

    But I think I did really well for a first interview :D

    And I walked really well in my nine west pointy toed shoes. HAHAHA. I didn't fall!! *proud of myself*

    I should thank the dear Lord up above for giving such a wonderful opportunity, and my parents for bringing me up well, and my friends for supporting me through all this time....

    I wonder if she noticed I zoned out a bit. O-o

    I looked in the mirror and realized my eyes were very small. I might have looked bored lol XD

|| Pinch me. || 1:18 PM

Monday, November 06, 2006


    GO to that factory outlet in meridian and get me a pair of 7 jeans!! You know, the one that fit me to a tee? With the pink embellished pockets?

    Know how much they are worth here?

    A WHOLE 168 ^%#&^%&^ BUCKS!!!

    *muffled SCREAM*

    And stupid me thought I could wear it everyday, so I cut it to sneaker length.

    CUT IT!?! WTF!!

    I should have left them long to wear with heels!!

    Anyways, now I am in a dilema. I have two pairs of shoes. One I have to return. Which shall I choose?

    T_T I am so sad without my shopping buddy *sniffles*

    back to homework. (and rachel, you don't have to get those jeans for me; I was kidding.)

|| Pinch me. || 9:37 PM

"being flabby is so embaressing!"

[ see ]
superheros like you and me

[ hear ]
danceble music
christina aguilera "make a bad comment about her voice and may you suffer from strep throat forever"

[ touch ]
adopt your own virtual pet!

adopt your own virtual pet!

adopt your own virtual pet!

skin credits!!
Rachel did the banner!! Thanks! :))

[blogger] [blogskins] [Caryn] [Rachel] [Lydia] [Fiona] [Sara] [the snowy freak. *ducks flying hammer*] [Team Blog] [Edwin] [JiaZhao] [a super cool layout ^^] [Lee] [Charlotte or somthin..] [Jessica] [Owen] [Kathie] [Arina]

[ disclaimer ]
any resemblance to the animated pet-like-things above to any person dead or alive is purely coincidental and an act of God, for it was not me who made them (person or pet) look that way. In any case, the author of this blog meant it as a joke and perhaps a sign of twisted affection. The author is also a bigot who talks in third person. *shrugs*
more coming soon when more than 5 people read this blog.

.:[ speak ]:.

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