Saturday, December 30, 2006
blood diamond
If you havent seen the movie Blood Diamond, go watch it.
It's very good.
Just whoa.
I'm really glad I watched it with my parents :)
|| Pinch me. ||
12:43 PM
Friday, December 29, 2006
The first time I saw my mom cry
felt all hope crashing down
and left wondering "what now?"
|| Pinch me. ||
10:04 AM
Man, I keep fantasizing about dresses. Heard my friend talking on the phone ytd about a masquerade new year party.
Dang it.
I need more friends. Friends that invite me to cool parties (you know, where you can dress up as different people...*haw haw haw snort snort*). Grrr being the baby is so sickening!! I'm a SENIOR in UNIVERSITY dammit!
I need to learn how to drive.
I want that dress :( WHYYYY did the zipper break T_T
In the store I tried it on, inhaled, and the zipper refused to zip up! then the saleslday fingered with it a bit and it popped open. What? My obesity vs dress and obesity won?! She offered a $17 discount and told me I could go fix it, but.. what's a dress without a zipper?! Nothing!
So I didnt get it.
(after that.. find a reason to wear it? HAHAHA)
BCBG here I comeeee!!
|| Pinch me. ||
1:45 AM
Thursday, December 28, 2006
post xmas
on tuesday I went to bellevue square and got 2 sweaters! One in red (yay!) and one in purple!
Extremely tempted to get a tube but... nowhere to wear it to...
Watched Night in the museum! I LOVED IT!! XD Guess who's my favorite character!
"Dum dum, I want my gum gum." BWARGHHAHAHA!
On Wednesday I went to Bellevue Square again with mom and tried on various jeans. My butt looked hot in one but made my hips look to wide from front view :(. The MNG jeans look nice in front but made me have a wrinkly butt T_T.
bwagrh. Express didnt have my size for the skinny jean.
Then went for dinner at Kikuya in Redmond with B and J! (sounds like P&J) their treat! Post-Bday prez they said. Thank you!!!
Then we went back to Bellevue Square and caught The Good Shepherd. Interesting, rather intellectual plot-full movie that I actually have to think over.... mmm... Maybe someone should explain it to me.
The most AWESOME thing that happened was that the movie stopped halfway and the lights came on for 10minutes (like a toilet break LOL). Me and J ran to the toilet to empty out our brimming pithers of lemonade (well, what went in must come out) only to run back and find out that the cinema staff had yet to finish fixing the glitch.
We lost 8 seconds of vital data :(
For that we were promised a refund and a free ticket in.
So me and J were to first ones to queue up ... and then B and friends were the last ones to queue up... so we joined them after we got the ticket.. and GOT ANOTHER TICKET MUAHAHAHHA!! XD XD
"you might as well grab the whole roll and run!"
Well said, B!
|| Pinch me. ||
4:31 PM
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Christmas was cool! My birthday was... Z:
We had some of mom's friends over for lunch, and I felt horrible because I kept wishing they'd leave (lol very evil.)
Then we got asked out to go to a movie. But I thought going to the movies during Xmas is just so loser... so we went to Eva's place to play Taboo and Cranium! Very fun! I liked Cranium! (we won XD yeah man!!)
Man, this is the way to spend Christmas! Embaressing ourselves! XD
I also got my first birthday surprise. Really appreciate the effort in finding the cake guys :)
But you know what? Even though it was a surprise I didnt feel very special or excited. All I was thinking was "oh no... who told them..." It was AWKWARD man! I was like "what am I supposed to do now?! Smile nina smile!"
Funny thing is, christmas all I think about is giving that special someone something awesome. Giving them comfort, giving them happiness. It's not about me. It's about you.
That's why it's so weird to find myself on the receiving end. You know what? I'd rather people not know. It's not my special day; I'd rather it be everyone's special day!
|| Pinch me. ||
11:52 PM
Sunday, December 24, 2006
the 18th hour
this is the last hour of my 18 year old life.
(Actually I still have 9 hours left since I was born at 8am...) XD
Here are some reflections:
I was happy.
I was sad.
I tried something I never tried before.
I was betrayed.
I found a friend.
A friend found me.
I tried to grow up.
I tried to stay a kid.
I had to be reminded I was a teenager.
I had to act like an adult.
I have yet to find love.
This year... I told myself that I was going to be a better leader. You know what, it's hard to compete with people at least 3 years older than me.
Still, I did it, didn't I? :] thanks for all your support!
|| Pinch me. ||
11:09 PM
Saturday, December 23, 2006
eh, I think Justin Timberlake is cool!
I never used to think so, but he can do his own beats and his songs are so different... he is living proof that no matter what you do, be good at it, and you'll be hot!
Yesterday we went to SK's place for a Xmas gathering. Nothing much happened, but my bro did cook some great pot roast!
I wonder if I should host a post-Xmas party! But you know, it's always hard with parents around :/
At least I have a home to go back to.
Like SK, after we all leave his place, he'll be left all alone.
I'm sure most of the international students are pretty much used to it, but it's sad to be alone during the holiday season.
Marini and SK, those two oldies, you guys have done a great job being everyone's big bro and sis.
Lucky I dont see them on Xmas, or else I'll be giving really corny gifts. XD
To my peeps in SG: miss you guys mucho! I sent out cards! Hope you get them..
|| Pinch me. ||
3:20 PM
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
The past few days without electricity was.... interesting.
But now the lights are back on -- woohoo!!
Thank you line men!
|| Pinch me. ||
1:07 PM
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
red, blue, or chocolate?!
I have a thing with colors.
They never fail to trap me in a little corner constantly repeating their obscene names in my head.
Those little bastards; quit telling me to choose!
Ok I need help! Should I get this sweater in lipstick red

or chocolate?

BWAHHH. I'm not as hot as Giselle. Is that who she is btw?
|| Pinch me. ||
1:26 AM
Monday, December 11, 2006
If you watch prison break,
you'll find that I'm very similar to Sara Tancredi (or whatever her name is).
1. I have eyes for the main character. WOW HE'S HOT HAHAHA.
2. I have various addictions, many of which I am extremely prone to relapses:
3. I am capable of looking like a total junkie.
Haagen Dazs is so good. SO good. SOOOO GOODDDDD....
Current favourite flavor:

|| Pinch me. ||
3:10 AM
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Hey people I created a picto blog for pictures I found over the web.
Actually I got a xanga just to comment on fiona's post.. but oh wells.
lemonadeice was taken :(
|| Pinch me. ||
10:39 PM
one class down!
yesterday was the last day for my business communications class!
My team got an A for our presentation!
Overall we received great feedback from the class, except a select few had some really heart wretching things to say.
While most thought I was confident and excited (no I was nervous and excited actually lol) there were a select few who thought I was "too jumpy" and told me to "be more serious'.
Apparently I invoked the most reaction from the class; they either loved or hated me.
sometimes people are just ignorant to the fact that we're presenting a tree house hotel -- it's supposed to be FUN.
Luckily, my instructor recognized that; he said my team did a good job in picking me to do the inroduction because he can't imagine anyone else with that much energy. LOL
Being hyper is not such a bad thing.
Anyways my special plan I worked so hard on backfired; but that's only coz I was presenting to a group of students and not real banks.
AND me and my partner did well on our presskit too! Thank you so much buddy! :D
K now I have to study for my exam at 2.30pm.
|| Pinch me. ||
9:31 AM
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
ugh. finals are in two day!!
Here's what I have to do:
1. finish programming project.
2. study IS
3. study accounting
I haven't started on any and my IS exam is on thurs!!
But at least I finished my presentation. :D
Hopefully we wowed the audience!
|| Pinch me. ||
12:27 PM
Sunday, December 03, 2006
armpit hair woes. guys shouldnt read this.
Hey girls!
Seriously, how do you achieve those smooth armpits?
Is it just me or are you gals just born with little hair under the arms?
Do you have bumps after you pluck them? And no matter how much I pluck, there's still SOME MORE.
How do you get rid of it?!
Shave? Pluck? WAX?
I can't use the cream coz my skin's sensitive to that thing.
And the cream stinks. It's rather enough that sweat appears there, wouldn't want the additional "perfume".
So.. how?
Wow, I just publicly humiliated myself on my own blog.
(I tend to like looking at swimmers because they're toned and they don't have that much armpit hair. Some of them shave! Yays!)
|| Pinch me. ||
1:11 AM
Saturday, December 02, 2006
woke up at two, still debating whether to go to the ball..
|| Pinch me. ||
2:50 PM
unsung heroes
we do so much and nobody knows
But without us they dont know where to go.
It takes more than one person to bring us down,
yet it only takes one of us to make you frown
"too much work; I have no time!"
what do you think about us;
is having less sleep a crime?
But we keep doing it anyways,
and we get better day by day.
Because one day, some day, that day..
we'll be able to look back and say
"Yeah, I did that. Move your ass and get out of my way."
|| Pinch me. ||
12:39 AM
Friday, December 01, 2006
"Bringing luxury to nature's tree tops."
That's my catchy (corny) tagline for my product!
I'll be presenting a business plan on monday. The instructor said he was skeptical about my idea.
The only thing left to do is to wow his socks off! :]
"You know what, I was skeptical at first, but now it all make sense! I've never seen a better group presentation! The way each of you builds upon the previous speaker's content.. it's just amazing! I must say that I'll give you 100000000 bonus points!!"
I won't be compared to mediocre speech givers. NO.
Because I am HARDCORE!!!
Reminds me of a guy who goes around telling people that he's of "mongolian blood". lolz.
I still remember him coz he called me "auntie" even though he's 5 years older. FIVE YEARS!!!
Eh please lah uncle, I know 99.999% of the girls think you're hot but...
I find your voice funny....
You can see all his veins popping out of his hands... GAH!
Not saying that my hands are that smooth either; this poor girl also has veins popping out of her delicate young arm skin. (???)
Hoho I recall a certain someone who thinks veined hands are hot. ;)
Off to work! There will be no weekend!!!
|| Pinch me. ||
12:51 AM