Saturday, April 28, 2007
"Procrastination is like masturbation, in the end you know you fucked yourself."
I just had to check him on facebook. lol.
Anyways, I supposed to be panicking now, it's been one hour past my project deadline...and I haven't started. I'm gonna grab a coffee and pull an all-nighter so I get things done before my partner comes back from Arizona tomorrow morning. Shit. hahs.
1. Beer: yuck
2. Anorexics: self inflicted
3. Relationships: E-R diagrams (shit haha)
5. Power Rangers: they were cool during my time!
6. Life: deep
9. The President: someday
10. Awesome: me
11. Cars: need to learn to drive one
12. Gas Prices: don't have to worry bout, yet.
13. Halloween: candy
14. Sex : must be good
15. Religion: must be God
16. Myspace: boobs
17. Fear: dark
18. marriage: ring
19. Blondes: guys
20. Brunettes: girls
21. Redheads: interesting
22. Asians: i look like every other one on campus.
23: Pass the time: procrastination
24. One night stands: horny
25: Cell Phone: never has reception!
27: Smoke: yuck
28: Vanilla Ice cream: yay
29: Port a Potties: you might need one. jk!
30: Highschool Life: rooftop
31. Pajamas: comfy
32. stars: steki
33. Wet Socks: :(
34. Alcohol: glow
35. The word love: impact
36. Friends: for life
37. Money: want
38. Heartache: catastrophic
39. Time: oh. look at it. crap.
40. Divorce: ..
41. Dogs: warm
42. Underpants: vital
43. Parents: mom dad
44. Kids: dirty faces big grins
45. Stripper: almost naked
46. Blogs: here
47. News: stuff i should watch
48. Weddings: rings
49. Pizza: CSE
50. Kleenex: big pillow and a sad movie
|| Pinch me. ||
12:36 AM
Friday, April 27, 2007
|| Pinch me. ||
7:23 PM
my new list of heroes
Someone I wasn't even expecting reminded me of who I was.
"Where's Nina, the girl whose dream is world domination?"
It was then that I realized how I lost to fear. No, I still want to rule the world.
Lee Hsien Loong at the age of 21 chose not to blame the world. He said "If I'm Prime Minister, the world may blame me, but at least I can do something about it." Or something along those lines. Don't know haha.
Two new heroes in my life have shown me how I should never, in the face of adversity, lose myself.
Thank you for letting me into your life Kutil, Lois.
|| Pinch me. ||
6:14 PM
Thursday, April 19, 2007
oh yeah!
one. Is there someone who you like at
the moment?
not sure.
two. Have you ever given or been given
to my mom! (my dad paid. does that count?)
three. What is your all-time favorite
romance movie?
the butterfly lovers -- some kind of really old chinese movie where they turn into butterflies at the end.
four. How many times can you honestly
: say "what??"
five. Do you believe that everyone has
a soul-mate?
yes. I've got a handy few :D
The one-to-one rule doesn't apply there does it?
six. Do you think that you should be
friends first?
not necessarily.
seven. Have you ever had your heart
nope. yet to be jaded.
eight. What do you think about long-
distance relationship?
I don't think I can handle it.
nine. Your thoughts on online
rather immature. I used to have an online "boyfriend" but we only did that to gross other people out. Haha! Those were the days of MMORPG!
ten. Would you rather date someone five
years older or younger?
A 14 year old isn't even fully developed...
eleven. Have you ever seen a friend as
more than a friend?
Nope. I tried of it once, but then it was kinda gross.
twelve. Do you believe the
statement, "Once a cheater always a
Yes, pretty much.
thirteen. How many kids do you want to
let's see
fourteen. Do you usually fall for a
wrong boy/girl or the right boy/girl?
I don't think I know what it means to really fall for someone.
fifteen. What is your favorite colour
orange, yellow, green
sixteen. What are your views on gay
seventeen. Have you ever broken
someones heart?
mmm. dunno.
eighteen. Imagine you're 79 & your
spouse just died, would you re-marry?
i would probably be the one that died. lol.
nineteen. At what age did you start
noticing the opposite sex?
12. around sec 1 towards sec 2.
twenty. What song do you want to hear
at your wedding?
I've never thought of my wedding. Can't even picture a groom, how to picture a wedding??
|| Pinch me. ||
1:39 AM
Monday, April 16, 2007
Oh, I found a pic of my bday cake, and thought I could share it with someone who's Bday just past! (ah, she likes pink. *hint hint*)

HAPPY 20th! OH, the candle pack didn't come with a pig, just in case you were wondering. But at least I'm on there! XD
|| Pinch me. ||
1:59 AM
Ooo didn't blog for a while!
Now to further illustrate the point that I don't have a life:
On Friday we had the most successful band practice to date, a total of 6 people showed up, and we had more than one instrument! Came up with a whole lot of background noise. And I sang. I bet the whole music school cringed when they heard my off key, off tone, and incredibly loud crackling voice. Ah, you guys know how well I sing.
On Saturday our main people met up. They're good! Now only if everyone can meet on ONE day...
I wish I was more talented in the musical area, you know?
Actually, there's alot of things I want to be better in. I want to be better in sports, better in school, better in character, ...
It sucks being just half-assed at everything!
OK, lemme go finish my hmwk before I sleep or I will die under my workload. :D
|| Pinch me. ||
12:37 AM
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Sometimes I wish I played the piano, because there are soo many free piano music sheets out there!!
Check this one out!
I can try playing the notes on the saxophone.. but i suspect I'll have to do some transposing. whatever that is, right?
From my experience with being the band contact person, I really appreciate it if people tell me if they are not going to make it for practice. I wonder why I never had that problem before...
I think it's cuz all my previous bandmates were awesome. haha. :D
But why would anyone not inform someone that they're not coming??
I've thought of the following:
a) they are blind and therefore cannot read my many many emails
b) they hate me and reject my calls
c) they are delusional and therefore think that I have amazing telepathic powers
d) they've never been ditched before. In the rain. (wow so drama)
So there you have it.
|| Pinch me. ||
2:20 PM
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
the longest uhmmm of my life
Today in class I reasoned my way out of everything, and I got my answers right :D The only problem was, I wasn't really sure of anything, so when the instructor came round to checking my answers, I laughed really sheepishly. like "ehh.. heh heheh.." You get the picture. (oo speaking of pictures, have you seen green beer?)
And so she laughed at me. Then because I got my answers right, I started day dreaming, assuming that all the answers she'll write out on the projector will be in the same order as I have written mine. BAD assumption! She called on me. She said "I know you know this.."
And thus came the biggest "Uhhmmmmmm..." ever in my life. Usually when I think silently, but more often than not someone beside me will wave a hand or start shaking me frantically, screaming "are you listening?!" Or if I'm not wearing my glasses, "is something on my face?"
Anyways today my pause was so long that people started whispering answers to me. You know that's a bad sign. I couldn't make out the words they said, so I made an effort to sound like I was thinking. In all honesty I was just so lost that the only thing in my mind was "UHMMMM..." So I heard my voice going "UHmmmmm...."
And the whole class was just waiting...
I'm sure it felt more like eternity to me than to them. Anyways, the lady to my right saved the day by whispering telling me the answer. Then my mind kicked into action and I was able to handle the situation by myself. :))
Aren't you proud of me? I'm never going to daydream in that class again. lol.
|| Pinch me. ||
12:07 PM
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
I climbed my first tree today! Well basically I stepped on someone, that isn't exactly climbing the tree is it? lol.
Yeah, I just realized that I'm a super bad leader T_T. Oh wells, I learn every time I try right? :D
One day I'll conquer that tree. Yeap. ONE DAY!! I'll climb you MYSELF!
|| Pinch me. ||
1:22 PM
Monday, April 02, 2007
what we should
We should totally cut an album together. Just for ourselves. :D
Because of Caryn, I backtracked on Machi. You know, that Taiwanese rapper band? That lil' kid from before is a whole freakin' 178cm tall now!! (yes, the internet is a wonderful resource.) :O He's 17 now!! (eh, how come we're only 2 years older? I thought I was 5 years older.. hmmmm)
Anyways, what I'm trying to say is that this kid doesn't live in Taiwan, but when he goes back they all get together and dish out something nice.
I know I know, these guys are professionals and they've actually BEEN in the business, and we're just random nobodies who happen to blend well together..
I'd hate to give up on that music we used to make. :(
But hey, our lives take us different ways... little Rachel's gonna become an awesome lawyer, Caryn's going to be chilling with the stars.. I'm going to be somewhere baking cookies..
Before I exit blogger, here's the most interesting thing that happened last week!
Bobarit's 20th Bday celebration! Guess which one lol

I look good in the dark. Haha.

Check out our pretty deserts!

Just to remind you of what I look like in the light. J said I could pass off as a 14/15 year old. If that were true then I wonder why Mr bus driver wouldn't let me get away with paying child fare. lol.

|| Pinch me. ||
12:58 AM