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Thursday, May 31, 2007

    I found my notes!

    Next year will be hectic.

    Guess I'll wait till the year after to join concert band then...

    There's a BBQ tomorrow and the day after. And then the next day it's 2 finals. Almost done.. just a few all nighters more...

|| Pinch me. || 12:36 AM

Monday, May 28, 2007


    My finals are a week away and I lost ALL MY NOTES!! T_T

|| Pinch me. || 11:23 PM

Saturday, May 26, 2007


    1. In one sentence, explain wat ended ur last relationship.
    what relationship.

    2. What made u smile today?
    I forgot.

    3. What were u doing tis morning at 8a.m.?

    4. What were u doing 15 minutes ago?

    5. Something tt happened to u in 1985?
    swimming. oh wait. not even produced yet lol

    6. Ur prom night?

    7. Last thing someone else said to you?
    I'm cute.

    8. What was ur answer?
    Are you ill?

    9. Worst thing currently ontelevision?
    dont watch alot of tv

    10. What was in the mail today?
    havent checked

    11. How many different beverages haveyou drank today?
    instant coffee, orange juice, milk, soya milk, barely, water. oh wow i almost get enough liquid!

    12. What is yr favorite part of e day?
    evening - night

    13. Your current To-do list?
    finish databases, study accounting before proj meeting... make a cake, study for quiz and more accounting

    14. Where is ur best friend right now?

    15. What color is ur toothbrush?
    white and blue

    16. What are u wearing right now?
    shorts and hoodie

    17. Any plans for Friday night?
    It's saturday morning already. If I finish my homework I'll have a THREE DAY WEEKEND woohoo! To study of course.

    18. Least favorite place to shop.
    Nordstrom. "drool drool drool then cannot buy"

    19. Last things u bought?
    ice cream

    20. Last gift you received?
    hong bao

    21. Who gave you that?

    22. What made you sad today?
    i wasted time.

    23. What can make you happy?
    if my homework magically did itself and stored useful information for the finals in my brain

    24. Describe YOUR keychain:
    it's some sort of stuffed animal

    25. Describe HIS keychain:
    I've never seen it

    26. Where do u keep ur change?

    28. Are u happy with ur life?
    guess so

    29. What are u thinking now?
    that i shd stop procrastinating and go do hwmk

    30. People/Person u trust the most?
    parents and the sg gang

    31. People/Person u hate most?
    there's alot of people i dont like lol (that's bad, i know.)

    32. Something u are excited about?
    Potential camping trip

    34. Are you in love?
    am I? nahhhhh.

    35. Places u want to be with ur special someone?
    at home

|| Pinch me. || 12:30 AM


    I watched Pirates of the Caribbean on the opening night! The theater was packed, there was a line down the stairs 3 levels for the tickets. Luckily I bought online. haha. Had to pay one dollar more tho.

    I love Elizabeth. And Will Turner. Captain Jack Sparrow has lots of screen time. Yesssss. haha.

    And it helps to know Singapore-Brit history when watching. I never knew that would come in handy.

    :D I went with new friends.

|| Pinch me. || 12:24 AM

Thursday, May 24, 2007

    for you my friend

    who lost a loved one to cancer.

|| Pinch me. || 12:36 AM

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


    Okay, as requested! (in alphabetical order)

    Caryneesm: semi dao, smiley, likes to act stupid with me then pretends not to know me (but still acts stupid with me haha) can make any situation seem more fun

    Fionaism: has a 3rd party sense of humor, musically inclined with the guitar, unique accessories (it has to be a certain way to be fionaic), likes to show me things

    Lydiaism: bouncy, happy, spiritual, high hand-feet-eye coordination, but always bumps into random things

    Rachelism: friendly, warm and welcoming, likes to tok kok

    Mmm words can't exactly describe how you guys are, I mean, you're unique enough to have me create a word! XD okay okay I should got back to work. there will be more pictures after thursday :D

|| Pinch me. || 2:28 PM

    friends in hidden places.

    I dig rachel-ness caryn-ness fiona-ness and lydiaism in my friends. lol. There's a pattern. You wanna know?

    Take my "father" for example:

    Fionaism, Rachelism, and Vulgarism.

    lol. He made me his daughter.

    K lah this is a random post.

|| Pinch me. || 12:55 AM

Sunday, May 20, 2007


    Hi all, you must be wondering why I disappeared off my blog! Well, last weekend we had Relay for Life, and yesterday I was at the Battle of the Bands, so here's some pics!

    Relay for life

    One of our team captains showing us how to be gangsta.

    Playing around during breaks..

    In honor of fights and memories.

    A part of my heart.

    One of the only pictures of me.

    So folks, remember, cancer sucks and Relay for Life rocks!


    Battle of the Bands

    I like this picture.

    Rocking it out!

    So there's my life. Nothing much XD

|| Pinch me. || 11:01 PM

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

|| Pinch me. || 12:11 AM

Friday, May 04, 2007

    and I saw my points disappear in front of my very eyes..

    9. Find the names of all countries that have at least 3 mountains over 2000m high, and list the names and heights of all mountains in these countries (regardless of their height).

    OMG. Last night I returned all mountains in the country. But then I was "oh, we only have to return those mountains greater than 2000m. so I CHANGED MY CODE!!to include only mountains above 2000m!! I realized it this morning but it's ONE MINUTE too late to change it. Submission closed at 12.30pm.

    T_T I'm not stupid, just tired!

|| Pinch me. || 12:31 PM

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

    so bored

    I am so bored. :(

    But I have to catch up on homework and send my resumes..

    send my resumes..
    send my resumes..


|| Pinch me. || 2:34 PM

"being flabby is so embaressing!"

[ see ]
superheros like you and me

[ hear ]
danceble music
christina aguilera "make a bad comment about her voice and may you suffer from strep throat forever"

[ touch ]
adopt your own virtual pet!

adopt your own virtual pet!

adopt your own virtual pet!

skin credits!!
Rachel did the banner!! Thanks! :))

[blogger] [blogskins] [Caryn] [Rachel] [Lydia] [Fiona] [Sara] [the snowy freak. *ducks flying hammer*] [Team Blog] [Edwin] [JiaZhao] [a super cool layout ^^] [Lee] [Charlotte or somthin..] [Jessica] [Owen] [Kathie] [Arina]

[ disclaimer ]
any resemblance to the animated pet-like-things above to any person dead or alive is purely coincidental and an act of God, for it was not me who made them (person or pet) look that way. In any case, the author of this blog meant it as a joke and perhaps a sign of twisted affection. The author is also a bigot who talks in third person. *shrugs*
more coming soon when more than 5 people read this blog.

.:[ speak ]:.

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